
I went on a retreat last week for a leadership program I'm joing. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some cool people. Buy why is it called a retreat? We're not backing away from anything or quitting. We're doing the exact opposite actually; we're training to be apart of a team of leaders leaders who don't quit or retreat.
I saw a white van when I was in the city with my friends the other day. We were all thinking the same thing; some creepy guy was probably sitting in back with a bunch of candy or ice cream, waiting to snatch a child. But the thing is, why do stereotypes have to be so rigid? Sure, my friends and I were just joking around like "oh there's a white van, so creepy" but really, why do we assume the things we do?
Locked in my own mind, my thoughts are racing like an Olympic gold medalist. So many things to worry about, so many things to think about.
Sweet and sticky, the contents of the wrapper now swishing around in my mouth. The hard taffy sticks to my teeth as I grin, the taste of molasses hitting my tastebuds.
Fat, unwanted, pretty much how my summer is going so far; school is over, so I'm waking up whenever I want, eating whatever I want. It's pretty bad, because I don't know when to stop. I think it's summer, I can have ice cream everyday if I want.