Ooh la lo la la la A bad romance. Those lyrics were written by a crazed attention wanting crazy person Named .......... I cant use her name unless i feel like dancing on a flaming motorcycle in a giant plastic monkey head.
In sector 13452987 There are aliens. General
FAAAAAAAAA I shall slap you with my tiny little hands.m Trolololololololololo. *the man then slaps a random stranger reapeatedly without pause*
BBBUUUU BBBTTTTRRR nloo nloo bloo bloo fll dooooooooooooop Those are the sound of a instument. bee buu blaaa guuu fleee.
There are Seperatists in Star Wars. The speratists include the trade federation and some other organizations. They have a droid army. Tomo origato Mr. Roboto.
"Hal" is the first part of hallowed. Hal is the guy in green lantern A.K.A one of the best DC characters EVER! and he "owed" me money. "Hal" "Owed" me money but I let him go without paying a dime. Green Lantern.
Posters show pictures. My favorite poster is a motivational poster a I made. It was about courage and there was a penguin with symbols standing over a sleeping polar bear.
TREE is my name. "en" is almost enable so . . . enable the tree. WOOH YEAH Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree enable the Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree Tree WOOH go tree go tree go tree go tree go tree go tree go tree Remember my name and give me cookies, not the virus kind. Cookie was my friends name but he thought i was calling him fat. He wasn't fat though just a little chubby. We called him cookie because his mom made REALLY good cookies.
The sun DOESN'T wear glasses. or contacts either. It has perfect eyesight. This means sunglasses are like crazy herbit men. They aren't neccessary in most situations.
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