You no longer hold this harness on me. I will not cave on this. I will not so much as even bow. I will stand my ground and be the strong person that I know I am. Even if it hurts deep down...
This pandora station it sets me in motion. Music... Sets my soul on fire and sets me into motion :)
You hands... A certain look... A passionate kiss... And it's all over. From the nape of my neck to the tip of my spine. And I feel as if I could float away.
He eats soups... A lot of soups. :) Things that made me smile. Bowl of soup to me... "don't judge me." Such a sweet gesture in such a dark time.
Once upon a dream... I emptied my soul to you.. Now it seems stitched over and the person I was is no longer the person I am...
Some thing in life are needed.. Some things we thing we need in our lives. Those things are the things that most often are like rocks... rocks tied to our ankles as they all watch us fight to get back to the surface. As you reach to cut the rope in only pulls harder down.. Then when you break the surface you can breath and you inhale deep and choke on what seems like the freshest air you have tasted. Now that is a necessity. Living life is the necessity...
To leave.. To go away from. A means to an end... To divide.. Like coming up for air after so long...
Hallowed by thy name.... To make holy... Holy is the name.
"What we do in life echoes in eternity." A quote from the movie. Life is not a mere blimp on the radar. Each life shapes lives to come.
A puddle on the ground... After a rainy day passed us by. A reminder of what was..Sun rays dance across the ground... Just as a fading memory.. gone is the puddle.
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