I don't even know where to begin with this. should I elaborate on the word phrase? Or should I say what my favorite phrase is? I don't even know. This one is kind of frustrating to me because I have absolutely no idea what to write. MUTINY.
Stamps are made for mailing letters. I don't send any out. The postal service is dying which is kind of upsetting. It makes me sad to think about my parents mailman out of a job. He's such a nice guy. I wish I knew his name.
there was a willow tree in a field once. I wasn't there, but I heard about it. I don't know if it's still there in that field or if lightning has since struck it down. I imagine it in black and white, starkly contrasted, romantic almost, like a movie from the 40s.
sometimes when I sleep at night I have terrible dreams that my teeth are loose. They never fall out, but I wake up terrified, convinced the dream is real. I spend my day buying floss and obsessively brushing.