Your lips, your tongue
I'm still waiting for a taste
after all the years.
I think it would be sweet.
suck suck suck. all the nourishment out of me.
fuck fuck fuck. you're gunna be the death of me.
and when I'm dead,
you'll be full
and when I'm dead,
you'll be full again.
splish splash
her jeans were soaked. up to her midcalf.
she didn't care.
he was jumping around with her.
and needles.
shiver up my spine. paint the anxiousness on my skin.
I will not.
My heart will explode with loneliness before I ever let that happen.
it fell across his forehead, barely hiding his dark eyes from view. They peeked up at me although his face was turned toward the ground.
It turned in and out of my hands. Grasping at the edges of stability yet uncomfortable in settling for anything less than chaos.
That's how it always goes.
Not enough flip, too much flop. And they accuse me of indecision...if only it were that simple.
She walked past me four times. Apparently oblivious to my desires as a paying customer. She didn't even look in a hurry. So I sat. Thinking she probably had something better to do.
His eyes dazzled in the fluorescent lighting. Only overshadowed by his smile as he chuckled at his own joke. It was almost embarrassing, if he wasn't so flattering.
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