Standing on the cliff, valley spread out before her, she closed her eyes and held out her arm. Without looking she could feel the warmth of the sun and the mountain breeze on her face. She opened her fingers and her eyes at the same time and watched the wind take the yellow balloon the with word Hope printed on the side.
It was black and simple and she had saved for two months. It was perfect. She got her hair and nails done and knew this would be the night. He picked her up and took her straight to his place, no restaurant, nothing. The gun matched the dress.
the words the look the sound
the meaning can be found in
so many places and ways of hearing
and seeing and your heart knows what it
knows but is it the meaning
crossed over the edge of
under the hedge of
all the forest beyond
the dream the myst
mystical mystery of
all of the history blustery
weather don't stop the mind
the words are there the chords
the player the dancer the
poet the singer the song
of all of the worlds crossed
stars tossed like leaves
on an autumn day but
we won't speak of that
now for spring is in
the house and all around
the wings and sings of
birds and life abundant
greened by greenery
finery tweenery as they
come out of hiding
and if you listen most
carefully the key is what
we all will sing in ring
in summer nights of flights
of fireflies and warm shadow
dancing playing eventide
when lines are blurred and
sleep assured as eyes burn
to close but rest will come
sink down and hear
last notes clear pure
they come out and play
the day has ended and
their time begun
don't fear the time of
year is always their ways
their flight weightless
fate the magic gathers all
together in the places crossed
meridian blinded sight
comes ignore what you see
it isn't real the feel the chorus
every note for us the build
soars and roars and gathers all
the sky the star flung ceiling hall
harmony a million dreamers
screaming through the darkness
to this one center circled round
and hurled true hits you
the harmony the mark the core
love borne pride shorn
torn asunder