She didn’t understand. It wasn’t punishment. It was a lesson. Here, now, it was a lesson in a safe environment. Later, out in the real world, it wouldn’t be safe, and it wouldn’t be a lesson. It would be life or death. And for some reason I couldn’t make her understand this. It made me doubt his judgment. It made me doubt whether she was really the one.
As I opened my eyes, the glare of the light seemed to be unbearable. I tried to lift my hands to rub my eyes, but I couldn’t. My hands were bound. I blinked repeatedly and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see that it was just a single, bare bulb that dangled from a wire above my head. I didn’t recognize the room, but I’d seen a dozen others just like it. It was a bare room of concrete and cinder blocks, though in all of the previous ones I’d seen, I wasn’t the one tied up. It seemed that this would prove to be a new experience.
It's been years since I've seen her; weeks since I've even thought about her. But the moment I saw her, it all came back. I couldn't help it. I was immediately transported to that night. We were lying in bed. She was atop me looking down at me with those beautiful brown eyes. She had me duct-taped down and it was moments before she plunged the knife into me.