I think i need to invest in a sort of three ring binder divider except for my life. Do they make those? someone should make those, they would probably get really rich. I would buy a lot of those. I need to learn how to compartmentalize.
Today my professor told me to try and see the world in a "more levelheaded way." I know I was crying in her office convinced I was failing her class at the time, but I still don't really understand why she said that. My head is very round and bulbous and not level at all thank you.
My sister says I would look good in a headband. Like it would fit my secret aesthetic of hippie woodland creature. I think she's getting me a three pack of them probably for christmas, which is kind of a shame because I don't really feel like wearing stuff to keep my giant bulging brain in all the time.
Rivalry is something that happens between siblings. Not always though. I don't usually fight with my siblings over love interests. Sometimes though. But not really. But sometimes a little bit if they're really cute. By that I mean...I don't know what I mean by that.
I'm thinking one of these days I'm gonna have to outsource all the talking about me that I do. I cant keep up with the number of times a day I say "I" anymore. maybe thats what relationships are for. Therapists also.
Venice sounds like a nice place to be right now. I cant tell if I think that because I've been taught to think that or if i really just thought it on my own. It probably isn't a very nice place to be at all, but if it's sinking less than i feel like drowning maybe I can cut my losses.
I was thinking about polar bear cubs earlier. They are so cute and dumb and perfect. They will grow up to be fierce predators desperately trying to sustain themselves in the ever changing climate they must survive in. Really what I was thinking about was calling you, but you don't actually want to talk to me anymore so I think its probably easier this way.
fiery is a funny word. I tried to pronounce it in a french way in my head when i read it just now. I think the french way is probably the same as the english way. thats really ironic, seeing as how the french and the english have been having a giant pissing contest for at least forever now.
I saw a video about how asexual peoples' idea of fun times in bed is building a pillow fort. I dont understand why you cant also have sex in the pillow fort. is it going to fall down? are your pillow fort making skills the real problem here? I'm asexual too though. I'm just insecure about my fort building abilities.
maestro is a kind of foundation i think. Its another thing too, but foundation is the first thing that comes to mind. thats a little fucked up. dont you think thats kind of fucked up? i think thats fucked up.
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