He conjured up a scheme that would take each person down the hall and then lead them to a frightful scene in which he had left dirty socks laying all over the bedroom floor. The end of hall resulted in a group that twitched and scratched to go back to pick them up.
She soaked in the sun everyday for the 50 years that she was married to Carl. There was no need to work. He provided for her. She could do what she wanted. So she basked in the sun, drank wine, and went to lunch with friends. After 50 years of marriage, Carl looked at his leathery skinned wife and wondered when in the hell he had married his car seat upholstery.
When we look at the "sanctity of marriage" we really are looking at it from the standpoint of which we were taught what was 'right' and 'wrong'. Erase all that and determine with a non-critical and non-judging heart of what it truly means.
The Earth is flat.....
We all get to learn from our experiences. Whether we actually do or not is another story. So no matter what it is you are going through, whether you want to call it happy or sad, positive or negative, good or bad; just know that there is much to learn in all that you experience from day to day.
A salesman walks up to my door to offer me a deal on a vacuum. I told him that it sucked.
The systems of our body work in harmony with each other. When one is weak it effects the others and what can transpire is an imbalance creating dis-ease in the body. It is recommended that a holistic approach is taken to keeping the body in balance and in proper health.
Cool it. That's all he had to say and I became livid. So livid that I wanted to scream and become the tyrant that I saw in him.
Speak your truth and you will be authentic and free.
I am one that is always given responsibility.....ever since I was a child. Sometimes I don't want to be responsible. I want to be irresponsible, foot loose and fancy free. You know like a child! :)
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