A combination of hard-work and intelligent make Ali a rich person in just five year...
A profound speaker gave a speech in a hall.... He say "We should not have more than one children". I wonder why he say such sentence..... But....
He has a deep epiphany because he need to celebrate a vacation on Epiphany day.
The Opposition hold a riots in stadium Stanford Bridge.
Still he is not awaken. I try to wake up him but he does not response...
Artistry is a gift from god. He or she who has artistry tend to be more sensitive compare to other who has not. Uncontrollable of artistry may lead to depression.
Our beloved Prime Minister gave an awakening speech. "The death penalty will be removed from Malaysia law". Everyone was happy but not me. One of my close next of kin murdered by a immoral bastard!
I was sad. I lied myself on a bed and keep crying. My boyfriend said he did not like me anymore. Suddenly, a soft hand touched my head. It was my mother hand. She comfort me with her soft voice.
Building her castle is his everyday dream, but sadly he does not have sufficient money to realize his dream.
Mutual respect among intelligent people is hard to develop especially each individual has the tendency to become superior than the others.
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