Multiple texts in the old woman's room. Hundreds, if not more. Shelves upon shelves of books faced the center of the room, with a dusty hue that reflected the woman's wisdom. She looked up and smiled sadly at me, before closing her eyes for what may have been the last time.
I couldn't count my losses - they were many, too many. I frowned as I glanced down at the sand slipping through my fingers to rejoin the other millions of grains. What was I without her? Another wave crashed, and my phone still didn't ring.
I was only 6 years old. I trailed behind the principal as he looked for the criminal of the playground: Bobby...? I wasn't sure of his name, but the kid sure was bad. I was going to help the principal find this guy: I was going to be a hero. Suddenly, the principal turned around and glowered down at me. "What are you doing?" he asked.