Little girls with crazy parents put them in pageants...there's a show about this. I think they are nuts.
When I think of duration, I think of long road trips. The duration is how long the road trips each take. Personally I prefer pretty short durations...get to when you need to be quicker and more efficiently.
Lanterns light up the summer night to catch the bugs who always cause us a fright. They are so light and attract the night but they always seem to start a fight.
Ants, ants there are ants in my pants. Ants everywhere I swear. They make me wanna wear and tear. Oh those ants.
Festivals are fun. They remind me of the summer. Summer festivals with rides and cotton candy and snow cones. They bring back people's youth. They bring joy and excitement to the air.
Well, there are odd numbers and even numbers. Odds are also used to explain the probability of something or the chances there are of something happening.
Beehives have working bees inside of them. They work to produce honey for the queen bee, then humans take all the honey for themselves. The end.
Plans are things situated for the future that one intends to do. Plans could be a positive or negative thing. On The upper hand they can provide guidance but on the less positive spectrum they can cause you to not live spontaneously.
the freedom to do what you please when you want to do it
americans have liberty
statue of liberty