For once, I don't try and write as much as quickly as possible. I wondered why she walked slowly -didnt she have exams and things due? I slowed down; a little. I think its times like these that its important just to breathe, and be aware of the breath. And somehow it makes a little more sense , and feels a little better.
harpoon my heart my skirt up around my hips my lips to jump over chocolate chips of love and grub me in the dirt I only ever wanted you, the colours of you that pulled me pulling you into two between the layers of lust and gruff and tumble down my love if only for tonight.
hard not to think, that it all flows from everything else, and the connectedness that is everything to anything else. Stem his stem of love that pierces the impenetrable! I don't want it anymore because I've lost my orange chakra but its time to hit the spot. done.
its a given that it's all just sh-t its all sh-t and the ONLY thing in life that is certain, the only real given we get is that we all die. She said with such clarity, and it made such sense that that is the only certainly, and we don't talk about it nearly as much as we should, we ipad pod touch and whatever else but ultimately we-die. idie.
what a wonderful coincidence! then I am reminded that he says there are no such things. I felt rejected, a final smash of rejection from him but at the same time I didn't want him that much, but after the build up thats what it felt like on my part - how can it have been so potentially wonderful and then so unclear? I did something but I'm not sure what...
nothing to write
elders. lack of.
misread as brief , in what, this is the first time I didn't firecracker off like an olympic swimmer, rather fogged with thoughts of a man 300 km away I wade my way into the word, without actually touching on it. belief in going camping with him and exploring much more than the bush
i feel my heart thumper bumping and I run into him again, I knew if I caught the earlier train something would happen (my ancestors were watching) with racing clock and ticking red, I walk right up to him "ive see you around, lots of times, I'm Pea" and he looks silghtly confused, "I think Ive seen you once or twice" ! I've counted and written about 7 instances my friend.
waiting, sleeping, under tracks of tired eyes, there was the case where he ran for the train with firecrackers under his arm and they dropped and exploded and somehweredown the other end of the station a giant clock fell and hit a woman and she tried to sue, but lady you can't sue when you're not reasonably foreseeable - studying law dampens my poetic flow
doing an essay on constitutional reform and indigenous australians and i wonder how it could have gone so wrong, how we got it so viciously wrong and i'm trying to keep the voice passive the heart strong but its my ancestors past its my past its in my blood (you were born into it) can I doit justice? what does that even mean! how was I not here earlier, embrace it.
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