To capture me means to take from me my freedom. To take from me my freedom is to take from me my vitality. To take from me my vitality leaves me with loss and hopelessness and despair. There is nothing left to take from me.
This is why I'll never fall in love.
Something simple
Wrapped in a straw hat
Who needs a brain?
All you need is simplicity
Wrapped in a straw hat
Paper cranes soar through the air, not quite butterflies, not quite swans, but majestic in its flight, the paper crane, made by a child, drifts away on the breeze
Her hands trembled as he passed the fruit to her, a small golden-green pear.
"this is all i can give you," he said, lovingly sweeping a stray strand of her black hair from her eyes, "i know it doesn't seem like much right now, but you have to trust me, love"