The ocean's harsh waves crash against the surface and mist my delicate legs, as the sole of each foot prints the soft sand.
I have discovered synthetic happiness will always exist, but true love and joy comes scarcely. So hold onto what's real and ditch the dirty habits.
Our lives are spent pondering questions while desperatly searching for answers. What we need to realize is somethings cannot be answered. The human brain cannot even begin to comprehend the higher power that exsists.
Half awake, stumbling to the grey mini van. Mom will never know we left. Incoherent. Oblivious to the road before me, I hear the voice of my best friend but cannot make out what she is saying. My eyes are open but I see nothing, the world is a blur to my delirious self. Panic in her voice, "STOP, STOP!" I come to and swerve around the oncoming car, smash into a coquina rock, and continue. I learned that day the life I was leaving was a one way road and I needed to pull over.
a foundation of bricks, a diminishing of our natural selves. a manmade world, a separation from our earth.
Brick house in a suburban hood, stuck up rich people, retired elders, the place i grew up. I'm just starting this so it's hard for me to think of what to say. But when I hear brick I think of my brick house.