Nobody knows the words to "The Final Countdown." I've played it in band for two successive years, and yet, I couldn't sing it back to you even if I wanted to.
But then, nobody wants to.
"Back to basics" is a commonly echoed phrase, particularly in, well, everything. The fashion industry uses it most prominently. "This collection goes back to basics by doing x y and z." Who cares?
If we as humans were to go back to "basics," we'd be running around forests, without words and with utter savagery. Lord of the Flies is not an appealing life for me.
Someone once described my relationship as "azn chic," or something similar. This comment was preempted by a description of my last date, or even most of my dates. "We were going to do [x], but then we realized that [y] is more cost-effective." I think it's an effective thing to do, so long as [y] is sufficiently enjoyable. I love my relationship, anyway.