
February 13th, 2012 | 197 Entries

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197 Entries for “carnival”

  1. Carnivals can be the best thing that happens to someone. It can lift people up like the rides throughout. They can also be bad. In my case terrible. It was at a carnival I lost my best friend. My love. She walked away and never turned back. If she did then she would of seen tears running down my face. Then again she see’s me everyday. Thats right she looked back and never walked way. Carnivals are the way, to happynies.

  2. Her friends ate candy floss, screamed from the top of the big wheel. She screwed the young guy who worked on the hook-a-duck. It was always the same.

  3. Carivals are filled with people. People are filled with hate. So does that mean carnivals are filled with hate or they somehow defy the laws of this world and become fun?

    this guy
  4. carnivals are really fun. i love the big roller costers . i’m one of those pepole that like the “big long” rides.

  5. When I Think Of A Carnival iThink Of Clowns, And Food Drinks Rides And Alot Also I Think Of A Jockinq Clowns They Play To Much Doee. Like They Touch On You To Much Likee What Are You Doinq? iAlso Think Of My Famile Because They Always Are Goinq To Carnivals When They Can Carnivals Could Be Lame Thoo.

  6. clowns are at carnivals. i love the carnival. it has so many rides and children running around. the games are extra fun i love them. my favorie game is the one were you have to shoot the teeth out of the clowns. me and my famiy love going to the carnival because our family has so much fun just hanging out together. but the one thing i hate at carnivals are the clowns. ever since i was three yrs old ive hated thm. when we went to the carnival two summers ago a clown hugged me i sware i was the scardest little kid at the carnival. and all my friends and family members laughed at me.

  7. When i hear or see the word carnival i think of happy people who are too scared to go on certain rides.They may say that they are brave but they arent.This word also reminds me of clowns.BUT clowns scare the crap out of me.Thats it. they scare me.Seriously get out of my face.

    Alexis Perry
  8. i think about fun

    John H
  9. this word reminds me of fun and rides. maybe colwns and fun charecters waliking around. also theres multiple food stands. it reminds me of good times.spending time with family and others.also eating lots of food before you go on a ride and then get sick after.

    evalynn aguirre
  10. Me and my family went to the carnival. We had lots of fun we ate cotton candy, soda , and popcorn. we spent the rest of the day riding rides. we had so much fun that day we all love the carnival. my sister threw up. it was so funny.

    Manuel Pacheco
  11. carnival is a event where animals and humans interact. lol ive been to like maybe 3 carnivals and there actully really fun. there fun..?

  12. mom can we go to a carnival today. i like funnel cake from carnivals.

  13. Carnivals are fun they are crazy.Carnivals can blow your mind.Sometimers they can be scary for little kids.Clowns and go carts.A spock house and a ton of cotten candy.There is a carnival in denver year round called six flags.

  14. A carnival is a place to go and have fun. a place where fun animals do tricks . That is what a carnival is where people are scary.

  15. Clowns are super scary and they love to play around. Lions, tigers and bears, oh my! Curcus and lots of candy and popcorn. Plenty of people and big crowds at rids and attractions. Laughs and giggles. Also, a whole bunch of trash and waste on the ground and trashcans.ahhhhhhhhh. a. a. a.

  16. I think this is a weard word. this reminds me that i yous to be skard


  18. when i think of carnival i think of clowns but that carnival has fun rides and also has games you can win some stuffed animals also i think of food like funnel cake or churro with strawberrys and i only have like have 5 more seconds but its okay my time is u

  19. Oh , i like the carnival they always have my favorite things there. For example, i like rollercoasters and cotton candy. To be honest , i’ve actually never been to a carnival so im just wingging this. I always hear that they always have music. I like music. People always say they have some of the best times at carnivals. The food is great and always smells deliou

  20. when i think of this word it reminds me of how i went to the carnival when i was a little girl . it also reminds me of my lil sister

  21. a fun place

  22. the word carnival to me means a fair. it lets me think about how there would be a faris weel and a cotten candy machen. It al

    William Daniel
  23. There’s a giant blue tent filled with pale figures creating balancing acts on rope, elephants, friendly exchanges in mid-air. The lions are roaring at the ringmaster as he slaps the cages and smiles

  24. carnival carnival everybody loves the carnival!

  25. I don’t like carnivals. They are loud and have weird dressed up people. And the worst part is they probably don’t allow dogs. So my puppy can’t come.

  26. a carson mccullers type carnival all hunchbacks and nipple-less women and deaf sad sulking towns people, a stalker, a cheating wife, a homosexual husband. so quiet, so southern, so simple. it’s late and the accordion player is waiting for the crowd to thin. an open air house party, an open faced calamity. it’s late and tonight is not the night for the heart attack. alison langdon can hold on for one more day. anacleto can make one more cup of hot ovaltine. one more lovers’ tryst, one more stalkers’ sleepless night, one more round of cards and drinks. today is a carnival day. today is the last happy day before the town empties.

  27. When the carnival came to town, we had to go, of course. All of us kids had to ride at least one ride and waste at least a few dimes chucking them at dishes that always bounced dimes out. To us, the midway was the county fair, just as the playground was the park. The carnival was just as good as the county fair, and we didn’t get dragged to any art exhibits or have to smell pigs or watch sheep shearing.

    Kathleen Gabriel
  28. Carnivals oh wow they are fun. Even though they are fun they are dangerous. People run around they also get hurt. Some times rides are faulty and you can die. Thats why they say rige at your own risk people. If your scurd of heights and fast or spinny things just stay home!

  29. its a fun and exciting place to go some kids have gone to a carnival .their are usually clowns and animals i like to go to carnivels to check out girls.

    kalob aigner
  30. It is fun and fun.

    cody mansfield
  31. Carnival is a fun place to go to when you are looking for a fun time.
    You can ride rides. And you can eat lots of good food and have a great food.

    Baylee Schopp
  32. The carnival is a kool place depending on witch one you go to. Some times the rides can be to extream and kids can up chuck.

  33. carnival carnival is fun and you can do so many thing only once a year

  34. I was in a carnival once not knowing what to do, but then i met someone important, it was Obama. He waqws to me but i got bored talking to him so I just left. I went to get some cotton candy in one of those little things.

  35. Carnivals are fun.

    jessica norton
  36. I like carnivals they are fun and its smart to go on a nice day. You can eat cotton candy and many more treats. also there is

  37. carnival are very fun. They have rides and fun games. They have lots of junk food. Like candy apples and cheesebugers. Man oh man i just love cheeseburgers. They are the best. Carnivals are fun. Especially the big scary rides. That takes confidence people
