
October 13th, 2011 | 378 Entries

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378 Entries for “compassion”

  1. do you have money ?
    no i have compassion.
    it’s like
    it’s not giving me food or something
    at least i have it
    i know people
    who dont have legs
    and money
    but have compassion
    or are composers
    which is almost the same
    compassion , at least the spelling

  2. i have lots of compassion for many things. there are many people in my life who i have compassion for, for example. my mom and dad are wonderful people to whom i show and feel a lot of compassion for. compassion is one aspect of love. compassion allows us to appreciate and love other people. compassion is also a form of gratitude. we can show compassion by being thankful.

  3. compassion is a context in which you feel with or for someone in a moment of bliss or beauty or even sadness…. it is what humans share and idealize for or of one another… it is what differs us from the rest… our uniqueness in essence is through compassion.

  4. its the craziest thing. sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you dislike a person, when you see them hurting, and when you see them broken, you hurt and brake for them. you give them compassion. its loving through the anger and through the hurt.

  5. The best person at showing compassion is my mother. Regardless of how upset you’ve made her, she finds a reason to excuse your faults and tell you it will be okay. She is compassionate toward her children, other family members, even complete strangers.

  6. compassion is an abstract state experienced by intelligent beings.

    Elliot Hurst
  7. there are so many opportunities to have compassion all around us, but the lack of it is evident and saddening. in suffering children and the abuse afflicted on others, it’s horrible. compassion can really make a different in their lives as well as ours.

  8. in understanding i can be understood.
    in helping i can be helped.
    in selflessness i can be myself
    with soul fed,
    giving blossoms.
    passion for my fellows
    outgrows the needs
    this ego feeds my head.
    hearts’ happy we cradle.
    another and another and another and another and another……………

  9. There one was a crocidile and he was the most compassionate croc in the world. Instead of eating the helpless okapi, he picked flowers for them, Instead of snaraling at the friendly birds, he sang opera with them.

  10. Compassion; it’s something I was raised with by my mother, who was treated with no compassion by my cheating, drunk, abusive father. How did she muster up so much compassion after all the things he did to her? I love you mom, and from what you taught me, I still love dad too.

  11. Sherlock had never really seen the point of “compassion.” It just seemed like another one of those useless emotions that only got in the way of seeing the truth. But when he found himself staring down John’s neck and wishing he could trail his fingers down the veteran’s back, he caught a glimmer of understanding…

  12. She looked and tried to find the good; the child who used to dance and laugh easily, the young woman who used to counsel her friends late into the night, the woman who wanted to save the world, but the mirror had no compassion, so she saw only flaws.

  13. I really don’t understand what does compassion means. I am trying to understand the word by divide the word to 2 parts, com and passion.

    yunzhi chen
  14. I hope I hope I hope that he shows some compassion and excuses my foolishness from last night. I left him a message when I was a total wreck, and I can only hope he sorts out the good in it to keep for himself. I am scared for when he hears what I said.

  15. leniant, caring, understanding,

    Jorge Anaya
  16. Little by little, the light turns around. I thought I was faster than the setting sun, he said, trying to get everything done. He has given me more than he might be capable of, but it’s been just moments of his time, and to us both that is just fine…

    the heart of one speaks to the heart of another in unison, through this way, the way, namaste, namaste.

  17. His compassion astounded me at times like this. More than anything, it has astounded me, the sort of compassion he had for another person. For a lesser person than himself.

  18. i think compassion means a good things, which means a emotion that people love friends and family and other one

    Yan Jun Wang