
September 26th, 2011 | 413 Entries

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413 Entries for “evidence”

  1. There was no evidence to show that she was depressed a happy go lucky mum – always charming and always charmed everyone. If I had known, only if I had known that she would take her own life, I would have paid more attention. It was a time of trial, there was no one to work things out with. I was the focus of pity, sorrow, suspicion.

  2. there is no hard evidence that dinosaurs existed. also, how the hell did the egyptians get all that granite for the pyramids. they didn’t aliens did. Aliens also built stone hedge. tell me they didn’t. i’ll prove you wrong with the lack of evidence. evidence is everything

  3. clearly none remained not a hair a heart beat a hedged
    bet better left undone than unlike her

  4. The body of proof that exists in a world prove ones worth, or innocence. Without evidence all we have are words, and words are meaningless unless there is an action behind them. Act upon your words, and the evidence of your truth will be shown.

    Walter C. Townshend
  5. Every bit of evidence told me he was dangerous. That I should stay away and yet I was irresistibly drawn towards him. I searched hard to find that one bit of evidence that would tell me otherwise despite the fact that it was evident that I wasn’t gonna find one any time soon.

  6. anthony looked around the room. he knew with the blood stains spattered across the walls and the bodies now laying facedown in grotesque positions there was no way of hiding or denying the last 28 minutes. the longest 28 min of his life. he looked around for all the pieces of himself that he could never leave behind. not now. now he had to disappear.

  7. this creeps me out cuz it makes me think of crimes and i’m always so scared something bad is going to happen. it also remindsme of forensics class with justin and troy and terry and mrs riley i loved that class and we always had to do stuff involving evidence. and csi. i am trying to think what else to write but idk.

  8. I caught my breath and
    occasionally cried at night and you
    would flippantly
    talk to me

  9. Some people ask for evidence of God. People have fought and died for this evidence and in the name of it.

  10. the evidence is irrefutable
    he stares down the jury
    he didn’t kill him

  11. Sometimes a girl needs evidence that she’s loved. It’s not enough to hear it in passing, or to believe it on her own without the necessary proof. The occasional grand gesture would be nice, but that seems to be too much to ask.

  12. I wonder if it would be best.
    To nullify myself.
    Remove all impact,
    all evidence,
    good or bad
    of my existence.
    Erase myself.
    I wish it were that easy.
    I wish they could just
    stare blankly at the
    torn page that says
    “forget me” and
    do as it says.

  13. “But where is the evidence?” exclaimed the professor, “Seeing is believing!” But sometimes it’s far beyond seeing. You can’t see the best things in life; love, for example, cannot be seen, but only experienced. Love is far bigger than that of friendship or marriage, those are physical, even tangible, but look at the love of the Lord. It cannot be seen, at least not directly; through examples, through you and me, others can see a small semblance of what they could have. Even with evidence, only experience can make you believe.

  14. I need proof. Something I can show everyone and PROVE to them that I’m right! I’ll take it, put it in a ziplock baggie and label it “Evidence!”

    Rachel Lee West
  15. Remains and debris are all that is left. It seems that someone has been here before, placing one curious toe upon the threshold of some misbegotten doorway, creeping into some ancient chambers heralding the unknown of strange geometric shadows. Is this all that there is to see? What is left for me?

  16. Nothing suggested that he liked me. I don’t know why it even popped into my head that he could.

    I am worthless. An ugly, little, dark girl. That’s all I am. Disgusting. Shameful. Useless.

    He already had someone, anyhow.

  17. The evidence was clear in her face…
    Coated in salt water
    It was there in the tangles in her hair
    It was there in her forced smile
    It was clear by the harsh red marks on her face
    It was all around her
    It was her
    They pretended not to see

  18. There was never any real evidence that he had done what he was accused of. But once someone said it, it hung in the air like a dark cloud, always over his head. His name was forever soiled. And he was never really able to be himself again. not in front of other people.

  19. I don’t believe in god. It just seems pointless. There’s no proof, and I’ve never felt any sort of spiritual prescence. Stupid little bitches try to make me feel bad about my lack of faith, but I find it insulting. You can believe what you want, but do not force your views upon me.

  20. The doodles will be erased
    The chalk will be washed away
    The footsteps will fade

    and no one will wonder who we were,
    or what we did,
    or where we went.

  21. evidence is what you need to convict someone of a crime. or i guess prove anything. crime isn’t really necessary… doesn’t need to be involved. sometimes we need evidence to prove that someone is innocent.

  22. evidence… that you care. tangible proof that i’m the one you think about as you’re falling asleep. not some other girl. but me. truly and honestly me. for the first time, i’d like to be that girl for someone. someone wonderful. and i sure as hell hope it’s you. show me a sign. give me evidence.

  23. The evidence was staring me right in the face. I was not sure that anyone else noticed it, but it was apparent to me. The empty cookie container mocked me. The sight of the crumbles in the bottom of the plastic container sneered at me. Who could I blame it on this time? There was no going back. I quietly slid the container into the trash can.

  24. there was no evidence of the beach anymore. The sand was replaced by falling leaves, each with it’s own hue of fall. The place seemed to beautiful, to characteristic of a painting to be real, I was right.

  25. There is no irrefutable evidence that I am gay, so hey I like gay evidence.. lalalalalaallaa im bored, OMG Im so queer, lalalalalal, Electric Blue ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. THE LIVE EXPORT BAN IS WRONG THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THAT IT IS WRONG. dead buried and cremated

  26. its the stuff that proves that your right or wrong. it can be used in court cases. Sometimes it can get people in a lot of trouble. The average person leaves it behind all the time. Criminals try to cover it up

  27. it was laid out in front of me. the evidence, i mean. of what? no, not some brutal murder. not some sappy love story that i’m usually writing about. no, the evidence that i was absolutely and totally abnormal. and that i was okay with that. i might not fit in everywhere, and i may not have someone that’s perfect for me, but that’s okay. i am me, and for the first time in a long time (she bowed her head to prayyyy….carrie underwood moment, sorry), i’m all right by that.

  28. How can they not see all the evidence that is in plain sight for the rest of the world? Do they not realize that any average person has view of everything that went on last night? With all the bad in the world right now, you think that they’d cover it up better than this!

  29. Abigail came home to find her fathers dead body. Hovering over it was her step mother, Greta. In her hand was a stainless steal knife, covered in blood. Abigail screamed in horror. Greta looked at her with frozen eyes and said, “there is no evidence, no one will ever believe you.”

  30. If there were evidence of a God, I might believe. But so many bad things have happened in the world that it is difficult to trust in an invisible being watching over us and playing puppet master. Plus, science is chock full of evidence. The world was created by chance, not by some mystical creator up in the heavens.

  31. There is no evidence to the fact that everything in this world is not energy. Energy makes up everything you see around you and everything that you cannot see around you and beyond. No worries if you don’t believe or know how energy works, it doesn’t matter. No one questions gravity or electricity or even, wi-fi…. it just “is”… How can you take thought beyond? Because thought is energy as well. I wish more people knew this and wanted to take thought beyond…

  32. The evidence of pain lingers like smoke in this town. The voices of it have too many faces to name. The quest of this town is to rise above it, to not get Caught in it. I’m trying my hardest but it’s tentacles like to stick. I will rise above it and i will be more than this town.

  33. Crime stopping with it. Reminds me of CSI. I do like that show a good bit. My mom enjoys it as well. Evidence. What a word. Dense. Evidently. Oh my. How strange two words. Different. wOW!

  34. there is evidence all over the floor! he exclaimed in exasperation to the officer, look right there! blood. on the couch, the floor. why can’t you catch the man that murdered my daughter?

  35. You claim your pure evil, but I have evidence you’re not. You’re as pure as gold, and you’ve learned to cover your hurt with sarcastic indifference. You say you belong in Slytherin but you actually match a true Gryffindor. You should be here with me.

  36. There was no evidence to lead her to believe that he was anything but a herring-eating-back-biting-low-down-dirty penguin, still, she had her doubts about this and other claims.

  37. Our common perceptions we believe to be truth, to be concrete evidence, and yet the light waves traveling to our eyes and the sound waves bumping through the air and the smells and tastes and touches that we feel are just perception and nothing more.

    a mere cephalopod
  38. there is a culprit. there is blood. there is fingerprints. he will be arrested. charged. with death sentence? maybe. but he will get convicted. he will pay. he will not get away with this. there is evidence. evidence everywhere. and he will pay.

  39. Evidence that demands a verdict
    Isn’t that the name of a very good book?
    Evidence, the etymology of includes the root “vide” which means to see with the eye.
    But there is so much of life that cannot be seen with the eye.
    This is where faith steps in
    All that glitters is not gold
    And all that man sees is not all there is.
    But there is evidence that what “is” is ordered, powerful, and Sovereign.
    Have you ever considered “cytoplasmic streaming”??

  40. the evidence is proof. the words and the places don’t matter. the facts, the inconsequential information, the location and all of that other stuff don’t matter. the evidence is all the proof we need.