
November 8th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “haunt”

  1. it was a dark night, a quiet night. the fog hung thick in the air, painting the world in grey. they were here, gentle, soft, not what one would expect from their reputation. the ghosts of the world, haunting you for eternity and for no time at all.

  2. My mind haunts the empty shell I live in. I am lost. I am alone. Voices camouflage the sound of my beating heart. Why can I hear voices?

  3. She looked over the patch of land behind the house. It wasn’t very beautiful, mainly dirt and weeds but she felt haunted by the memories of what had happened there so long ago. Her husband came up behind her and asked, “Do you really want to stay here?” She nodded and said, “For a while, until I figure out why it bothers me.”

  4. I used to get this feeling that I could never adequately explain to my mom. It crept into me without warning like a somatic deja-vu, as if the moment itself was haunted.