Local is where the heart is. It’s right in the center – if you can pin it to a precise place – of where you are. Local may not be very nice, just like your heart can be in need of some fixing, but it’s a good place to start making things good!
fast food doctors office cold lettuce get together awkward styrofoam cups biting them dry water cold floor dusty air hitting gross floor dust under fingernails asian lady doctor with cute clothes doing needles arm hurts
Paris. Montreal. Global citizen. Traveling. Staying. Learning. What I am not and what I am. Cheap food. Hot spots. Friends. Incorporated. Amicable. Libre.
hello local people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fast food doctors office needles asian lady with cute clothes cold office lettuce low cliffs water dry water styrofoam cup biting holes into it cold get together hard floor awkward
home is where the heart is
affairs talking
stories that effect generations
? really home
Local is where the heart is. It’s right in the center – if you can pin it to a precise place – of where you are. Local may not be very nice, just like your heart can be in need of some fixing, but it’s a good place to start making things good!
fast food doctors office cold lettuce get together awkward styrofoam cups biting them dry water cold floor dusty air hitting gross floor dust under fingernails asian lady doctor with cute clothes doing needles arm hurts
Paris. Montreal. Global citizen. Traveling. Staying. Learning. What I am not and what I am. Cheap food. Hot spots. Friends. Incorporated. Amicable. Libre.
hello local people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the store is so local to my house i can be there in 1minite if you drive you can be there in a second
i was local to the next room.
i live in a local area.
i am at the local park.
fast food doctors office needles asian lady with cute clothes cold office lettuce low cliffs water dry water styrofoam cup biting holes into it cold get together hard floor awkward
home is where the heart is
affairs talking
stories that effect generations
? really home
The cops are local.