
March 21st, 2011 | 246 Entries

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246 Entries for “policy”

  1. Waking up with a gasp that shoots deep into my soul, in a cold sweat, with the shakes and a line above my eyebrow that won’t go away – don’t worry about it, it’s just policy. Nothing to worry about – personal policy.

  2. There was no policy that suggested otherwise, so the door was opened, quite easily by the arm, with much more difficulty with the brain and will, and onto the stage he found himself, alone, frigid, beneath the ceiling and amidst an audience of no one. And there he sang for the first time.

  3. policys are stuff the gummimint uses. we wacthed a lecture abut fiscal policy to days ago and yesterday.

  4. it is my policy never to accept love from no one. days pass like fallen leaves with no love to give and no love to receive. it is my policy to live here on this earth with no love to bear on my shoulders and in my heart.

  5. our secrets hide in our words. The very words which we would use to deny there spectral existence. Why should we hold onto such a strange policy. Share secrets and share life and know thy fellow brother

  6. What is your policy? How bureaucratic do you think you can be? Oh, It isn’t your policy to be that way? So change> No you couldn’t possibly do that. It isn’t in your policy to change

  7. sounds like a rule, not that i don’t know what it is but it make me think of rules. Not really a word i like, I feel it’s stuck up.

  8. Policy — the ways in which an organization coordinates action to realize a particular end thought to be desirable. e.g., a government outlines the ways through which taxation is to be administered (forms); collected (income? or sales?); enforced (IRS)

    matthew Raketti
  9. It is our policy at my work that I read lots of policies all day long and translate them into more readable text. I always wanted to be a writer, but this isn’t what I had in mind. I should have made a policy to only do creative writing. I’d probably be a lot happier. Still, it pays the bills.

  10. Oh, policy, how I would like to dump you from the dictionary! Everywhere I turn, policy, policy, policy. Policies for creating, policies for approving, policies for implementing…..damn you policy.

  11. I don’t believe in policy by a government. Believing in you could do better as an individual gives you policies, or plans or strategies or a life guideline.

  12. To never carry out unthinkingly the policies of others blindly, batishly, without the consultation of heart and head and leaving it to the others.

  13. Policy is being told “you had the best interview. You had the best vision, the most research done, the most complex ideas, and the strongest overall concept” and then being told “sorry, we are not selecting your play, apply again for the spring if you’re around” because politics got in the way. That is policy.

  14. Policy is being told “you had the best interview. You had the best vision, the most research done, the most complex ideas, and the strongest overall concept” and then being told “sorry, we are not selecting your play, apply again in the spring. because politics got in the way. That is policy.

  15. a rule. can be strict or loose. to be followed.

  16. “Here’s the book on company policies” said her new manager as he gave her a heavy paperback book.

    “This thing is a dictionary!” she proclaimed.

    “Yea, well we are a high class company and alot is expected of us”.

  17. The policy the company had was total rubbish. I mean it was so demeaning!! It’s like having been regressed 20 years and being back in kindergarden..seriously they really are not nice people and someone really needs to do something about it. Perhaps it should be me? If I find my courage…

  18. I hate people when they’re not polite. That’s my policy. Policy should be honesty, whoever came up with that no shirt, no shoes policy? Hmm. Snob.

  19. the policy is not to chat with polly until you give him a cracker.

  20. policy makers say they speak the voice of the public
    but the private conversations in oval offices
    and staircases echo a guttural assertion of the status quo
    and I don’t know who has the power–the people or the politicians,
    and why do they have to be so separate
    in a unified state, the goals are the same
    but the means demean the ones who had the need
    in the first place
    it seems things got lost in translation

  21. oh jesus christ i don’t even kow what to write about this word. i don’t actually even really like this word. i dunno why. now the word anarchy is running through my head. i am anti government hahahah. but why? i dunno. i like some authority. sometimes i think too muchj is stupid. and i think we have a little too much

  22. laws. rules. people telling others what to do.

    order – necessity in the US. we are an organized country.

    policies – opinions, ways of doing things? I don’t know. But who does?

    Just a words – another word with many meanings.

  23. I have no policy. I have no restraint. There are no boundaries holding me back. But all this freedom, leaves a very open world, and a very small me. Fear drives rules. Fear drives law. Fear drives our limits.

  24. The newest policy had been set in place for Alex. As it often could be, this one was a note on personal safety.

    “Don’t let hot wax splash on you while letting it drip on the people below.”
    “Don’t touch that, it stings.”
    “Don’t let someone else hold your heart in their hands.”

    And now,
    “Alice Parsons is trouble. Keep her at an arm’s length from now on.”

    Little did

  25. I hate the word policy. It means rules, laws, regulations. It reminds me of places I’d rather not be (work for example). I’d rather be out in the world, having fun, enjoying myself. Anything is better than living up to a policy…

  26. My instinctual reaction when I hear the word “policy” is to go against it. Policy is confinement, right? Well, no, it’s not really. Policy is just a word that describes how a person or group of people deal with certain things. Me? I try to have a policy of freedom.

  27. I hate policies. They’re too restrictive – have you ever noticed that a policy never exists to grant you rights or freedoms, only to take them away? They govern our interactions with vast, faceless corporations and often seem contradictory and self-defeating. It’s a policy of mine to avoid having policies.

  28. It was never my policy to trust, but something about the way his smile curled slightly more to the right than left, the way his hair swept into his eyes in just the wrong way, made me believe him against my better judgment. He lay in my bed, and the music in his eyes compelled me to dig my fingers into his chest, rip it apart and curl up inside his ribcage.
    I lay next to his organs and cradled his heart in my hands and felt it pulsate beneath my fingers, and I wondered if I could do this forever or if he would one day leave me crumpled in a heap on the floor.

  29. Policy: a way to police your employees. Rules to follow. I’m sorry, ma’am, but that’s our policy. No, I can’t change the rules just for you. The rules are made to be followed, not broken. It’s not my fault if you don’t fit the mould. you are too fat, too skinny, too old, too ugly, too short, too pale, too un-cool. You don’t fit so you’ll have to leave. That’d our policy.

  30. honesty is the best policy. the police make policies for our own safety. they are looking out for us. policies may seem pretty bad now, but they will be helpful, and we will eventually realize it. don’t lie to people, keep it honest, easy, and free. it’s the best best way to be.

  31. My policy? Stay true to who you are. Don’t let anyone change you. And if you ever feel like you need to change? Well, at least make sure it’s for the person you are absolutely in love with, and that they’re in love with you too. My policy? Well, there you go, that’s it. If anyone’s even remotely interested in what I think, then now you know.

  32. economics, government, company, shares, stocks, USA, bank, human resourses, management, money, loan.

  33. I dont no why but i started thinking og shoes and teddy bears. I want candy and I need a lolly pop. I am happy.

  34. Is it policy, or just plain social confinement ? Or, is policy just social confinement?

  35. My policy? Stay true to who you are. Don’t let anyone change you. And if you ever feel like you need to change? Well, at least make sure it’s for the person you are absolutely in love with, and that they’re in love with you too. My policy?

  36. when I think of the word policy I think about not being able to do many things because of a policy. A policy is basically something you do when you make a deal or something there is always a policy to it. I do not like this word.

  37. The only thing that comes to mind is school policy. Like what you should or shouldn’t do or wear. This is definitely something that people tend to NOT follow.

  38. If you have a policy, you have certain rules that you are obliged to follow. Or at least that’s how I think.

  39. makes me think of something confined and strict. also provides order and is a necessary component of keeping things organized. I like them. Think without them the workplace would be very difficult to funtions.

  40. Policy is such an uninteresting word to write about…or maybe I’m just not is the mental state to even try and be creative about it!

    Gerrida Venter