
December 12th, 2011 | 168 Entries

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168 Entries for “princess”

  1. when are you going to come sweep me off my feet?
    i’ve been waiting for such a long time,
    you know,
    such a good little girl like i was told i would need to be.
    i’ve been waiting
    with bated breath and pacing feet and wandering mind
    for you to come and find me.
    so where are you?
    my head desires a crown of wildflowers.
    my heart desires a prince.

  2. i sat down with my legs crossed
    and eyes hungry for her story.
    when she began speaking,
    it was like time had stopped
    the world were still

    i’ve always wished i was
    a princess,
    oh, to wear a gown the colour
    of a whispering moon!
    something so haunting
    i’d be a ghost.
    i’ve always wished to
    dance like waves
    of the ocean
    with my prince charming
    floating high above everyone
    disappearing into
    the clouds
    and having that
    perfect happily ever after
    my mother spoke of

  3. “She’s like so whatever, you could do so much better.” “I’m in the business of misery, let’s take it from the top.” “So what? I’m still a rock star.” “I’m not here for your entertainment. You don’t want to mess with me tonight.” “I’m the mother****ing princess.”

    Sometimes I’m just so bitter. Thanks, pop music.

  4. Sunshine the Princess sat in her blondness,
    Eating her wolves and spiders.
    Along came a frog
    Who barked like a dog
    And her breakfast was no longer inside ‘er.

  5. “Prinzessinnen gibt es nicht”, hat er gesagt. “Im Grunde sind sie alle Bauernmädchen, die gern in der Erde wühlen.” Und dann holte er einen Apfel aus der rechten Hosentasche und aus der anderen ein überdimensionales Taschentuch. Er polierte den Apfel mit Hingabe, systematisch einmal rundherum.

  6. Princess

    I really don’t understand the focus girls — and women — have these days on being a princess. Why? It seems like they want no responsibility and a lot of perks like good clothes and expensive trips. What’s wrong with being a regular, wonderful, healthy, intelligent, working woman? Why all the exceptionalism without having earned it? Mind boggling.

  7. Palace of Princess is a nice Riad in Marrakesh where I stayed last week, a mix between Istanbul and Jaipur!

  8. A big dress, a big castle, a handsome prince. A lush room with hundreds of clothes and shoes. Beautiful eyes and hair.

    she had none of these. But the way he looked at her made her feel as though she did.
