
November 10th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “rift”

  1. How many times do I have to tell you? How many ways do I need to explain? There is an unspannable rift, an uncrossable void. And it’s all your fault. You chose to make the journey and now there is no way back.

  2. The rift! She had always felt it just beside her, invisible, even as a child. As she had grown, the feeling had become stronger. Now its sense of otherness, of gateway, of brink of the alien, sizzled beside her mind. She closed her eyes and gazed into the abyss that it had become. Of course it gazed back, that was to be expected, and there was the feeling of being watched by a different type of consciousness than her own and the people of her familiar world. It was not an unpleasant presence; she felt toward it with friendship and the sense that this was reciprocated, like a secret connection through an interdimensional wall.

    Solar Flare
  3. The rift between them seemed too wide. When they were together, eating dinner or shopping in the supermarket, all she could think of was divorce. She thought that his own reflections centered on that other woman. Finally, one day, she packed and left, going out to explore the world and canyons which were real rifts in the physical world.

  4. With a single sentence, a chasm opened up between us that we could never again bridge. I would continue to love her and she would continue to make sure that loving her hurt.