
August 17th, 2011 | 829 Entries

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829 Entries for “succeed”

  1. All I want to do is succeed. I want to be valedictorian with a 4.33 GPA, head of the drama club, debate team queen. I want the scholarship to Oxford, with the house by the lake, and the happiest family photos. Hell, I want it all when others have nothing…

  2. To succeed is to achieve a desired goal. It is to have labored vigorously so that in the end you will have obtained your prize. I’m not sure that was ever meant to be the purpose of life. To succeed is to reach a destination. I believe we’re meant to focus on the journey. Our aim should be to soak in the present, because in the present we graze eternity. The ideas of success and goals and achievement robs us of life and energy and creativity. Life should be about fulfillment. What feeds your soul? What nourishes your spirit? To me life is about sharing my love: helping others breathe easier. It’s about the divine moments of being in the presence of the people dearest to you. It’s about expanding and evolving as a person and learning new things and venturing into paths I’ve never thought I’d take. It’s about experience. But we all fall into this pattern- this idea of success, but it entraps us…

  3. Succeed in life, only you choose the path you walk down. Only you can make the choices to succeed in your own life.

  4. I want to succeed in life. Provide for whatver family I may get as I grow older. I want to succeed where my parents failed. Provide a better life for myself than they could. I want to be happy and free. I want to succeed. Is that a bad thing? I dont think so. I think its a brilliant thing to want. Thats all I want out of life, is to succeed.

  5. one who succeeds is one who completes their own goals. in the end, that person is the only one who can truly define if they have “succeeded.” thus, the biggest failure of all is not to fail it self, but rather, to not have goals to reach toward in the first place.

  6. I have to succeed without killing anyone in the process. There isn’t any other option, despite what all the cereal boxes say. Those are just flaming lies. I can’t see through all this damn smoke.

  7. to be able to have my artwork after and during college known by those around me and lead to a career that allows me to move to florence.

  8. All my life I have been driven to succeed. Around me prompting and demanding from my parents and family has evolved into something else entirely–my own personal vigor and desire to conquer the world around me. To take what I deserve in life, to give back what I can, to succeed.

  9. Why am I stuck? Because you stuck me. You made me stuck in this mud. But I will clean myself. I will make myself better. Because I am good, I am great. And you know what, I am success!

  10. success is a sought out thing among many people, yet few ever achieve it. To succeed is to become happy, yet many people become unhappy in their quest to succeed. So is it prudent to always try to succeed? Or should one accept failure at times?

  11. i want it, we all do, its a necessity, it makes us strive while making us hate ourselves for our lack of it. it drives us crazy, yet it keeps us focused. its cruel, while the meaning of life. its a set up while also a harbor for happiness.

    Rain Sullivan
  12. succeeding is a brilliant way to hel yourself exude confidence. its not always easy to succeed, but when you finally do you will never want to stop. this helo you to continue to succeed and thus continue to exude more confidence. its all really a large successful circle of success!

  13. I can’t. I don’t know how. Someone tell me, draw me a map. I need directions to this unreachable place. this peak, this crescendo.

  14. I have already written about ‘succeed’…I’m new on here, I call finding this website a success, pretty interesting. :)

  15. The need to succeed caused so much stress in my life. I mean, who wants to fail? Nobody. It’s too hard to even think of being a failure. Everyone would look down upon you, including family and friends. I will always want to find success. But what is success? Money, Love, Being Famous, and/or Happiness. Who can define what success really is? How do I learn how to obtain success?

  16. succeed

  17. money, wealth, taking care of family, happiness, being great at what you love to do, finding out what your purpose is, your life at your own control, finding love, owning a lot of things and having no financial troubles, being able to support your family, having enough to live a good life, being able to help people with your own abilities, fulfilling your dreams, having a lot but also giving a lot away, not being greedy, being able to do what you want

  18. I am not a failure. I will climb up that tall, steep mountain. I will struggle and struggle until I get there. I will get hit by rocks so many time and run into a thousand obstacles, but I will keep going until I succeed. I will succeed.

  19. To succeed in life, I’d have to be working towards something. Or in another case, someone. Alas, I am not though. I merely float along in life’s tangled web getting stuck in places I’d rather not be. I’ve learned that to succeed simply means to have no idea where you’re going, but ending up exactly where you’re supposed to be. Success is a journey, not a destination.

  20. Try in everything you do and you’ll always succeed. Even if you just succeed in failing.

  21. sucess is somehing we all want. we may never get it, but we want want want. we want to seceed in everything we do. we strive for greatness, yet most seem to give up half way. because the road is getting too tough, or we just lose hope completely but those who see through the hard ships and make it through, they receive the gift of the world. they receive happiness. so it the journey worth it? maybe. i’m still on my way to the finish line. i’ll tell you how it is once i reach the top. and best believe ill make it.

  22. how to succeed in business without really trying. See? All I think about is Broadway. Or Daniel Radcliffe or both. Or is Radcliff? Either way that was a stupid thing to say, I never think about Daniel Radcliff(e). I do like Harry Potter though. I’m such a nerd about it. I’m a nerd about a lot of things. Mostly Broadway. Seed. Suck. Seed. What? I think it’s time for me to go to bed. Ya?

  23. I think I would like to succeed, that is all. :)

    Taylor Nieuwdorp
  24. Small mountains climbed. Tiny steps in the direction you are heading. To be able to share with one’s who have known your struggle, and to be at peace with your choices.

  25. Suck-seed. Sounds inappropriate that way. Mind in the gutter. Something about a challenge. Let’s all go to the movies? Sneakers o’toole.

  26. to win, fight for what you believe, hard work. Strive, time, relationships, business. It is a long road, but the scenery is nice. Observe. Learn. You can do it. Try. Do. Never give up.

  27. failure is haunting. it dogs my steps, and whispers in my ear while i sleep. you will fail. dont be the screwup that everyone is waiting for to happen. my fear keeps me from asking the real question. What happens if I succeed? where do I go from there> that is some thing that I wont know how to recover from.

    a girl
  28. Success is important in society, in the world. To succeed is on the top of almost all of humanity’s list. We are taught that success is the only thing we must strive for. Is this a good thing? Is it a bad thing? To me, to succeed brings a sense of reward and self-esteem. Success is my utmost goal in life. Success by whose standards though? My own.

    Gabby Murphy
  29. succeed is to do great things to finally reach something that you really want to do well at. succeeding makes everyone feel accomplished makes people know that they are worth something that they have over come a challenge

  30. success, it is a paradox. a finite and boxing subject. once achieved the bastard can only be bettered, unless . . . unless one could create an infinite success like a a revolution everlasting.

  31. L’étrange esseulante de
    Mes ailes lentes – do n,

  32. all i want to do in life is succeed in all that i do i want to become a teacher i want to become psychologist i want to become super woman and have nothing stand in my way i want to reach all my goals and be invincible i will have no problems and happiness will be mine

  33. chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris chuck norris wins. –A friend.(chuck norris)

  34. Understanding accomplishments is confusing business. To me a day spent lounging around the couch chatting with friends is success. Success is just your idea of happiness, not a stressful job, not money, just happiness.

  35. Well hello “succeed,” success,” “successful.” Sorry- but I never know what to call you, for you’ve never actually told me your name. Sometimes you’re Julie, sometimes you’re Sarah, other times you’re Jordan, Simon or Paul. Most times your many names at once. But tell me “succeed,” why have you never taken my name?

  36. I like to succeed. Winning is the best and it makes you feel like you are on top of the world. Winning is awesome too. Succeeding to me means being boss and having talent, not just luck. I love to succeed and it’s really smooth to try.

  37. I try to succeed. Day in and day out. It’s a bit hard when you think about it, to succeed every damn day, but then again not really… For instance, I succeeded in taking a dump this morning. Therefore, I can feel good about myself today because I succeeded.

  38. succeding in life is a big part that plays in my life and i hope i succeed the best of my ability. i hope others succeed in life too. it feels good when you know you have done something right. Everyone will know that feeling someday.

  39. Succeed. What a funny word, I don’t think I ever had done to succeed cause my life sucks. :( :( :( :(

    Ass Whole
  40. To attain good outcome
    To accomplish
    To achieve
    To be successful

    Bonnie Aquifer