
April 4th, 2011 | 727 Entries

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727 Entries for “success”

  1. success is a personal definition.
    success is finding true love.
    unconditional love.
    having faith.
    believing in yourself and others.
    being honest and believing there are honest people too.

  2. success is the test that determines if you’re the best, to deliver the rest, don’t mess with the less, get it off your chest, pestering the pest will only leave you stressed and distressed, lest we forget

  3. The professor poured liquid from one tube into another. Then held it over the open flame. All eyes were on the bubbling mixture as it started to hiss and sizzle. They watched it turn funny blue as it gave one last loud hiss. BANG! out flew a dozen fiery stars, that glittered in the air before they disappeared.
    “Hooray,” shouted the happy onlookers.
    The professor beamed, knowing the test had been a success.

  4. success is great, success is wonderful…what is success though? is it in the eyes of your partents, or your facebook watchers or your peers from school? these seem to be the people we most pay attention to. what if you just based success on how long you live, or how well you live? who defines success? who invented success? were they successful?????

  5. Success is what we strive for. Throughout our entire lives all we work for is success in the future. It can be in the work place or family life. People like to be successful but sometimes dont know how to get there.

  6. There are times in life in which we sacrifice ourselves beyond logical circumstance in order to charter depths of magnitude only we may define. We crave success.

  7. is something strived for in the american society. but it is not the only thing worth striving for, nor is it the most important thing in life. If you follow God’s Word and plan, you will gain success. Thats my plan.

    Taelor Barnette
  8. is a word that is hard to define, how do you know if you are successful? Well you set goals, forget about how everyone else percieves your success and go! fight for it, until you get to what you want, what you need how you get to success is up to you.

  9. finding love, having a stable well paying job, family that loves you, friends, meeting goals, having a family, creating memories, marking things off your bucket list, good grades in school, socia

  10. Double the c double the s and that’s how you get success. I wish I could define success for me. I’d be a super star and come where you are, I’d get you close me and we’d both be free. I’d be in my car and we’d go far… you’d be my success and it’s you I’d impress.

  11. I like to think of success as something that everyone can come by. People go through life thinking that they will never amount to anything. Well, if they think like that then they probably won’t amount to much at all. You have to search for it. It won’t just hit you in the face like a sack of flour. But when you find what you’re good at, when you find what you love doing, when you find what you’re meant to do in life, you’ll know.

  12. To complete something in life is indeed one of the most amazing things you can do! To full out pursue something then look back and see what you did is truly rewarding. Success in life comes in many different ways, though.

  13. what is success? money? cars? i dont think so success is something earned
    success is whatever you want it to be
    success is knowing youve taken that leap of faith and that even if youve fallen, you get back up again
    success isnt an achievement
    its freedom
    its choice
    its not money
    its something more
    its the chance taken and something gained from it even if you had to fall to gain it
    success is just going for it
    just do it
    no matter what
    never quit just keep moving forward and taking leaps
    that is success

    Christian Sargent
  14. Success is an indefinable term, as we all apply our own meaning to it. What is success to you? Is it money? Is it happiness? Is it defeating your enemies, ruling the weak, or aiding them?

  15. success is everything. but no one can determine it but yourself. there is nothing definable about it, we define our own success.

  16. Whats there to say about success…? Well I don’t have any, others do, some have lots of it. Seems like it would be nice I guess. I’m sure its not too difficult to obtain I’m just lazy. Success success success. Anyone wanna share?

  17. is the key to wealth although wealth doesn’t always mean success, success could be anything, It has many different meanings.

  18. They say if you shoot for the stars, you’ll land on the moon– or something to that affect. But what are you shooting? Yourself from a cannon? To be shot into space, one must remember to wear an astronaut suit. And one must be sure to bring an abundance of freeze dried ice cream, as running out of ice cream could very well be worse than running out of oxygen.

  19. If I had some I would know it. If you had some you wouldn’t have to tell me about it. Since only the people who seem to have had some seem to know about it; and that is neither I nor you it seems we are both losers. Take that success!

    Jade Terrisse
  20. s u c c e s s what does that spell? success success!ha i remember that from when i cheer lead when i was just a young kiddo. thats how i learned how to spell that word in fact and i always say it to myself when i have to

  21. What is success for you? Do you want people to love you? Cause they do. I do. Am I not enough for you? Is success for you doing something to be remembered by? Because if it is, being alive is all you need to do. You’ll always be remembered by me. Always.

  22. If only it were so easily obtainable. So many people speak of it, but it’s constantly elusive. As soon as you’re there, it’s outdone, you’re outdone, it’s gone out of reach beyond sight. Not. There. Too far. Ungraspable.

  23. I like to think of success as something that everyone can come by. People go through life thinking that they will never amount to anything. Well, if they think like that they they probably won’t amount to much at all. You have to search for it. It wont just it you in the face like a sack of flour. But when you find what you’re good at, when you find what you love doing, when you find what you’re meant to do in life, you’ll know.

  24. is happiness. not power.

  25. I think success is something we should all strive for. The problem is that success means different things to different people. To some success means houses, cars, money, fame but to others it simply means a life well lived, surrounded by the ones you love the most. I feel that the latter is the true definition of success.

  26. Just testing. WAnted to see how this works for my students. Looks pretty good so fare. Looks like they will need email addresses to be successful. Hope they will be able to use this site to stimulate writring and help each other learning editing skills. Sixty seconds is a long time. I can’t think of anything else to write. This stie is really slow . It doesn’t seem to keep up with my typing. of course, the kids will be slowingl. How much longer. Maybe it isn’t working properly. Sill waiting for the 60 secs to be up. MJust not be working. Or does it just keep going until you stop.

  27. Fickle. Never a sure thing. Success is in the eye of the beholder. It may mean a lifetime of happiness, or a pocket full of cash. Never settle. Only you can be the one that leads yourself to success.. no matter what it is.

  28. they measured success
    in a broken hourglass
    it was crooked
    and broken
    but they watched it
    in silence
    as the sand slid
    and settled at the bottom of the glass

  29. Be careful to define it for yourself and not have others define it for you.

  30. Is a universal for all mankind. Anyone can achieve it. Yet so few do, especially the success we all fantasize about. Why is this the case? “The answer to that can be answered with another question; what is the most universal of all human characteristics? Fear? Or laziness?”

    Kristian Gilbert
  31. What is success anyway? Big house, fancy car, blah blah blah who cares if that is it and you can’t take it with you. That would be success. Being able to take it with you. Whoever figures that out, will really have done something.

  32. this is what i want and i believe that if i try hard enought i can reach it my daddy always said i have all that it takes within me i just need to find a way to use it what are you going to tell me know i wonder how long its been 60 seconds feels so long right now success is what we all want but then again it is overrated if your are not happy as well money cannot buy happiness or piece of mind as so many people have proven throughout the years so many people try to fill their lives with money to not be reminded of the love thats actually missing in it

  33. the success of a man is measured in peanuts- because he is fed like a circus animal. we, the fellow animals of that roundabout circus, engulfing the realism of the inane have naught to do but eat the prizes of others. so that success becomes the fuel of others.

  34. THe one thing we all strive for. It is all that motivates us and all that is importaqnt to us. Although most of us don’t like admitting that success is so important, it is the foundation of all we do.

  35. Love, happiness, living large, friends, family, life, fun, holiday, away, weekend, time, caring, smile

  36. measured in whatever you way you please.

  37. is something that happens once you graduate form college. something you do once you have a plan in life. Success can happen when you have persevered and reached your all time dreams. Success can be happiness but not always.

    Amanda Carter
  38. i keep losing and losing and losing and losing and i lose and i never win and losing and losing. when can i win? only when i tell myself i am done losing.

  39. bullshit. not even real. its not about achieving “success” its about the journey, and the roads you take and the decisions you make, and most importantly, the people you love and who love you. forget being successful be happy.

  40. To me success isn’t riches and boasting rights. Its about reaching goals you set personally in your own life and knowing you have achieved the best you can!

    Katrina Burgoyne