
June 11th, 2012 | 375 Entries

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375 Entries for “switching”

  1. Changing from one thing to another…being something completely different…wacking one’s legs with a switch…exchanging the poison goblet

  2. There she was, at once foggy and strangely held in place. A calm sort of fog perhaps, one of those thick clouds on a windless day which, once you’ve made up your mind about what they ook like you cant see anything else, can never change your mind.

  3. Something u get from grandma when you throw her eggs at the neighbors house. A switching.

  4. My least favorite part of the day was always switching back to my own body after experiencing the life of another person, usually someone whose life was so much more worth living. Now, I don’t have to dread the end of the day, because I never get to switch at all.

  5. Some people can switch emotions on and off like the flick of a switch. One minute they’re up, next they are down, leaving you completely in the dark. Then, the lights blaze on again. These people are interesting but hard to live with.

  6. i am switching off the light because i’m going to sleep after a hard day of a lot of work and study

  7. there is a point where i need something but dont have it. I have another thing. I need this new thing. So i take your wife. Fuck her. Then take someone elses wife. This is called switching. It also can happen with tooth brushes. Forks. Pillow covers. Also cats. But mostly in the form of wives.

  8. This is actually my second writing on switching. I couldn’t stand my first one so i switched it. Sorry about that but i feel that its my right to be able to switch. i want to change everything that i do and am doing, where i am, who i am who I’m friends with. The only thing i can’t switch is what I’ve done. That of which I’ve done i wouldn’t change for anything.

  9. When you move two things in other spots like two twins switching cars.

    andrew anderson
  10. Switching seems beneficial for me. I need to switch, I need a change, I need something. My life is incredibly unsubstantial, and I can’t seem to fix it. I don’t know what to do anymore.

  11. Switching positions, taking dominance, the box spring squeaks, movement, heat, sound. Light switch, on, off, yellow light bulb in that awful shade on the lamp in my childhood room.

  12. switching positions and switching time, places, spaces, faces, not remaining in the same, this one for that one, that for this. different locations that overlap, from here to there and back

  13. changing places, twins getting switched, cards

  14. switching is something that you have two things and you can put one in the others spot and and the same thing with the other one.like estrange students switching country’s.

    andrew anderson
  15. I want to switch places sometimes, with someone else, someone with more confidence. But I dont wanna switch my life for someone else’s cuz when U live the way u want and make mistakes – that’s what makes u hwo you are. !!

  16. changing
    light switch

  17. The nurse turned her back for just a moment – the briefest moment, to readjust her scrub pants. She knew it was hopeless, they would ride back up just a few steps later. In that moment, the sweet baby hiccuped – not enough to cause disturbance, but just enough for the gollum to switch the little blonde haired blessing, for one, less-blessed, of his own design.

  18. you can switch things. a switch is used mostly in lights. um circuits in Physics you have switches for those. Potatoes are good. i like potatoes. what is this site. I like switches.. you can switch stuff on and off too, it’s pretty grand and stuff. don’t you think. quite modern too. switches are cool. like Fez and Bow ties.

  19. You can always switch options. If you decide you don’t want to follow through with your original choice, switch it out. Switching can also be useful if you and your husband get ice cream, and you think his looks tastier!

  20. brith. … place i wish sometimes. most of the time. life go somewhere else… switch circumstance

  21. Switching is a form of change. Change is constant. Without change or switching we can’t progress. we need to switch.

  22. He quickly switched places with the old lady, it was amazing how fast she could move. actually there were very few young people participating. And none of the younger people won. What were these oldies on? Some kind of new drug that I didn’t know about?

  23. switching homes, switching names, switching time zones…
    am i forever a stranger in a strange world…

    Maidie Franklin
  24. Switching my mind was incessantly going on at the bottom of my chaotic sentimentality-something to something else, vaguely and aimlessly, and I just stared at nothing in every class, still feeling not sure of how I have to react to my high school graduation.

    Hyun Park
  25. There I stood above the water. The Memory. I wish. I thought. I was tempted. To be the one to do the act of switching with the poor girl who rested in the coffin.

  26. I looked at her and grabbed her hand tightly: wanting, waiting. The mage strode up to us, potion in hand. His grey eyes looked tired.
    He spooned the nastily mixture into separate cups, and set them out on the table. I took a deep breath. “You ready?”
    “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s get this over with.”
    I picked up the cup, dirty fingers sweating, and took a huge gulp.
    It tasted like the worst mixture of mud, Pepto-Bismol, and stale gummi bears. I forced down the rest of the potion,my throat protesting.
    And suddenly, my body felt wispy. I wasn’t there anymore. My body seemed to be disconnected, for the briefest of seconds. Then it reformed. Bam. I blinked my eyes. Something didn’t feel right. The potion must be working.

    CJ Applebaum
  27. Switching from one thing to another, changing. Change is difficult, and usually happens in difficult circumstances. Switching the was we live our live, our addictions, our love… It only happens when we change for the better. One life — live it well.

  28. changing places; clothes; cards; markers; switching tracks; changing places; twins switch places; few items being traded for

  29. Switching lives sounds cool, right? I know I would love to switch lives with someone like Emma Watson, or Taylor Swift. Someone who’s my role model. Well, what would you think of switching lives…with your enemy?

  30. Switching sides has never been easier with Adam. Now he knows what loyalty is. And so, he chose mom. To hell with dad.

    Shikin Anwar
  31. I was switching my electricity provider yesterday. The previous one stank. There was never any customer service, and when you did get through to them – which took hours – they were rude or aggressive. SO that’s it, I’m switching. I’ve researched it very thoroughly.

  32. She was switching cars in the middle of a street. She had to, there was no other option. If she only could fool him. If she only could get away, she might get another chance. She needed one quite badly, since she messed up quite well.

    She had always been good at messing things up.

  33. switching makes me think of this movie i watched when i was 9. it was about a store in which you could exchange your mom. I thought it was so cool until the end of the movie when it turned out they hated all of the other moms and they just wanted their mom back. It made me think how much i love my mom.

  34. Switching between browsing the internet and actual productivity was often a grueling task for the boy. It seemed to him that there were serious time discrepancies between beginning to look and laugh at memes and leaving them to pursue work.

  35. Wish I could switch life with someone just for once. That would be fun. Seeing what it is like to be them. Yes, the adventures I could make. And them, how would they feel being me? Is my life nice compared to others? Only a switch will help me to truly find that out.

  36. The lights were switching back and forth, intermittently interrupted by cool darkness.I clutched my handbag close to me as I stumbled along, fearful of the next hand that shot from behind the corner or the next voice that broke night’s stillness.

  37. Switching? The word hasnt changed since yesterday when i did this. Its been almost 24 hours, come on! Ah well, i’ll check it later and see if it has a new word that i can form genius around in an amazing sculpture of greatness.

  38. switching between fact and fiction like the lies we know all our lives as truth, i swear this is not my reality. catch me between and you might find me picking peonies on the dark side of the street under melancholy nothings.

  39. switching schools was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do. worse than an eating disorder. worse than mom being sick for ten years. worse than my best friend moving across the country. It made me feel alone and scared and lost at a time when I was just starting to feel put together and in place.

  40. i thought that had feelings for you, Then I realized, i was only projecting my loneliness and need for someone to hold me onto you. I don’t want to continue like this, pretending that I love you, when i don’t.