
November 6th, 2023 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “tremor”

  1. I felt the wispy wind whip against my legs, which were still soaked in lake water. I felt my jaw tremor. and I could visibly see my breath.

  2. I really do not know what this word means, but I will pretend like I do for the sake of writing about it. I think this word may mean something related to trembling, only because I think they sound and look similar. It also looks like the word tumor, but I do not think the two are related in any way. I actually already finished the full one minute, but this website is making me do it again. I don’t know what else to say about this word, since I don’t truly know it’s meaning. I will look it up in a dictionary later. Okay time please run

  3. she shivered. shaking, just a little. there were ghosts, apparitions, spirits, whatever you wanted to call them. they didn’t disturb her. no, they were silent. they were still. they stared at her, or through her. she didn’t understand. why were they here, in this old house? so many people had died here, but what did that mean? did the undead stay, protect what they once belonged to?

  4. she shivered. shaking, just a little. there were ghosts, apparitions, spirits, whatever you wanted to call them. they didn’t disturb her. no, they were silent. they were still. they stared at her, or through her. she didn’t understand. why were they here, in this old house? so many people had died here, but what did that mean? did the undead stay, protect what they belonged to?

  5. Tunnel vision, tinnitus, the tremor of a thousand wasps inside your ribcage. Hope collapsed as the backs of your trembling knees hit the couch. This is where it ended, with a panic attack in a stranger’s home.

  6. a tremor is a beautiful thing. it resets. it shakes. it reconfigures. it changes perception. it frightens. it awakens. it clears. it reassembles. then all is calm.
