
This is the toughest letter I've ever had to write but, Evangeline, I don't see a future for us. I know what your thinking: Why is he throwing it all away over an argument about veggie pizza? But it's a lot more than just that. Last night's fight opened my eyes. I'm so sorry.
She collapsed on the hillside, catching her breath after running and laughing. Through a tangle of hair her eyes meet mine.
Every tedious ritual of the workday feels all the more insufferable this morning. How does one do this for a lifetime?
My rail-thin figure is in large part thanks to my supercharged metabolism. But then again, perhaps I'm just not eating enough calories. I was never one to count them. I didn't snack as much as my peers. But I sure drank a lot of Mountain Dew.
The taste of steel was the first thing she remembered. It woke her up, and stayed on her tongue for days on end.
The sound of his feet dragging on the cement had a strange resonant frequency. It carried with such timbre that it seemed as if the air was experiencing a heightened reaction to a noise previously unheard.
So long as the wheels kept things spinning along at 60 miles per hour, Sophie felt safe and secure. She never knew that Irene was drunk most of the time.
What's this? A black and white facsimile of his right hand?
He held his palm to the paper. What a world he was born into, yet again.
Something he couldn't quite pinpoint brought about a deep, painful sadness to his heart. Maybe it was the way the wind lifted her hair. Maybe it was the way the kiss of her footsteps grew ever more faint with each gentle step in the opposite direction.
Uninterrupted focus. What a concept. Anything is possible if you find the perfect furtive corner of the library. Should this corner be free of students in search of a place to screw, it could be prime studying conditions if you have the wherewithal.
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