
Their fingers tightened around the map, and they slumped heavily into the church gates. They were lost, too hot and had been wanting to piss for the last ten minutes. Germany was a maze, and they weren't very sure of where they were supposed to meet her. She had said they should have come to St. Maria's church. But with Cyrillic being the only alphabet they understood, this wasn't easy. What they really needed were instructions.
The plants were most definitely the most beautiful thing she'd ever laid her eyes on. Illuminescent golden splatters decorated the leaves in chaotic patterns and swirls, lighting the large cave as if it was daylight. The brush was thick, and she could barely walk through the sludge underneath her, where these strange undiscovered plants loved to grow in. The gloop between her toes parted,little by little, until Ezolda was up to her knees in the strange muck. She struggled more and more, only getting herself stuck deeper between the brush, until nothing was left except her full head of red hair among those strange glowing plants. And when the last of Ezolda's hair was swallowed up by the mud, the light in those strange plants reddened with the same beautiful color.
I studied those large tranquil eyes and couldnt believe what my brother had uttered. How could he say something like that with such a calm, collected look? How sure he sounded! It terrified me. Mother had done a lot of terrible things to both of us, but never for me to wish damnation upon her soul.
The priest knew exactly what was happening, but the same couldnt be said for the dozen or so terrified boys crowded around the tied up child, hissing and spitting like a viper.
"This, children, is a grade A possession, and what exactly do we do in this sort of situation?" The priest asked, dissecting the children with his eyes, looking for the least unnerved one.
William was amused, I could tell. His shoulders were silently moving from the chuckle he kept quiet, and his eyes were tightly shut, his hand across his painted black lips.
"It's not fucking funny." I hissed to him as he took another look at me but this time, his amusement were loud, uneven clips of a hearty laugh. I glared at him darkly in return and rolled my eyes.
"Will, it's not permanent, is it?" I asked as he finally stopped laughing and encircled me with interested, watchful, dissecting eyes. His fingers curled around the long tail protruding from my ass and ran them across the leathery skin.
"Did you touch one of my potions again?"
"It smelled like raspberries, what? You wanted me to keep quiet and still while you had something like that lying around?"
His response was just another chuckle and a shake of his head.
"This way, Eve." He simply said, letting the long reptilian tail fall to my side.
His hands gestured with sharp turns and movements trying to explain what was going on in his life and the outrages that he had experienced at the hands of the doctors in Italy. He didn't seem to notice that I wasn't listening. Instead, my eyes kept reverting to the man behind him. My eyes followed that man's movement and immediately I could tell that he'd be an excellent dancer, maybe something sensual and classic, and never anything slow.
His dark skin would look so beautiful against the red costume in our piece, and I immediately wished that I could forget that idiot whom had nothing better but step on my goddamned shoes all day. He wasn't even that great at it. His daddy had money and he was supposedly good looking. That was it.
Pushing my now ex-partner out of the way, I strutted towards my future one and grabbed his hand for a shake, receiving a confused look from his beautiful black eyes.
"May I ask you to a dance?" I said, cocking my head at him and smiled charmingly.
At first it was bewilderment but then embarrassment that crossed his eyes.
"I..I can't dance."
"Like I give a fuck."
"June, you already broke a hand. Do you really think that its such a good idea to go around, running like an idiot just because you think your parents will pay attention?"
June looked away from him and sighed, pushing herself upwards and grabbed his collar, pulling him down for a kiss.
"I swear to god, they think I need some sort of pity party or some shit."
He smiled quietly a bit at his lover and turned from June, turning to leave.
June followed.
He said he never really pitied me, but I knew better. His kisses and hugs and even the compassionate words were all laced with it. It was probably because he enjoyed my pain so he could heal it. I didn't mind at first, but as soon as my depression had finally left me, so did he. I knew in the back of my mind that it would be like this, but two years later, I am so much happier without him and I won't ever look back.
He never apologized, even when he knew what he did was completely despicable, but then again, it was not something a king would be allowed to do. The only beings that kings were allowed to apologize were the gods and their wives or husbands.
The crowd loves the underdog. THere was no denying that, but the man was a complete brute, with sense of honor or even mercy. Fabien wasnt sure if he could face this man; he had heard many stories of his brutal ways, and his huge size, but they were only rumors. And being a gladiator, he wasnt about to let himself be afraid of a rookie.
The gates from both sides opened and as Fabien walked out, almost blinded by the light, he raised the sword into the air, smirking smugly as the crowd cheered his name in fanatical shrieks and shouts. The people of this city were sick beyond help, he had decided and would just focus on entertaining them.
As his opponent entered the ring, cries of harsh boos and racial slurs filled the stadium, though nothing of such came from Fabien. He wasnt stupid. Anyone who was sent to fight him were sometimes war heros and such men, so something like that, could certainly set them off.
This was what the public wanted, but Fabien wasnt about to try to please the crowd, by risking his life, even if it was essentially what he was doing.
His opponent made the first move, almost stabbing him in the stomach and jabbed again, clicking the metals of his sword to the metal of the more experienced fighter's chest plate.
The fight went on too long, and finally they were both kicked off, as they were undesired by the crowd.
Whatever the crowd wanted, it got.
Putting away his equipment, Fabien turned only to feel the cold metal dig gently into the back, right between his shoulders. "Good fight."The voice said and he knew exactly who it was, even without turning around. The soft breath on his shoulder blades was an indication enough.
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