He left. It was like he was never here. No one else cared. No one else really knew him.
The turrets were faint in the distance, however the mere sight of them brought joy to the hearts of the weary pilgrims. Just the sight in the distance gave them hope they would finish their journey.
The sun was setting in the distance. It marks the end of yet another day. Sometimes this moment is beautiful, sometimes sad. It reminds us that one of these days will be our last and that we could still have many more ahead.
He warned me of the dangers, the risks. I should of payed attention, but no, I had to come here all by myself. Maybe I will die because I didn't trust him.
she was only participating half way. it bothered me. marra, "you have to put your soul into the the steps," I say, "Every motion has to come from somewhere deeper."
the children are skipping and laughing. I wish I could join them. childhood is a place we can't get back to no matter how hard we try. it's so genuine and beautiful. the would as they understand it is purer.
it was evidence that she had something unbelievably greater than I did. it shone from her at all times, and I wanted to shine too. she taught me what the love of God is, and how that is what makes her shine.
his whole weight pressed me to the ground. I couldn't move if I tried. the sound of gunshots resonated around the alley reaching our ears from our stance behind the dumpster. won't leave my mind. tomorrow I have to see him again. last time we were together I kissed him right before he got on a plane to Peru. it's been 8 months and we haven't spoken any words accept small talk in emails. I don't know where we stand now.
he had me convinced. "I'll do it." I said. he was overjoyed but my insides were turning. what would this mean for the people of briley?
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