Chargeeeeeeeeeeee! Charge the goal? Charge ahead? Stay in charge? What am I to do with this life that has been so graciously given to me? I have this responsibility of making the most of my gifts but I have no idea where to start. (Says the teenager trying to figure out the 10 year... or lifetime plan)
I'm through with trying to fit in.... What does being normal get you? Normalcy. Normalcy equals average equals being like everyone else.... In the end... Dare to stand out. Be you!
Trumpets sounded on the day you entered Heaven. You were missed on Earth but souls awaited your presence for much longer than you realize.... Much longer and much more than you missed them, which I know seemed like eons.
What can be derived from a word game where you type and type for a minute and a half or until the words stop coming out of your fingers on the key board.... not a good oneword day. :)
Frustrated with today's television and the content that is all the same... unoriginal and done before. Crime show after crime show and stupid mindless comedy after stupid mindless comedy.
Creativity... does it mean weird? Often the two are mistaken.... Nurture the odd thoughts that pass through your head fleetingly. It is those that change the world.
Heros.... Don't try to be a hero, cause they're all dead. That's what I heard but I tend to disagree. There are tons of heros that roam the Earth. Many of whom saved lives with a simple hello never knowing the impact that they had on the person they interacted with for only seconds in a lifetime.
Soap on a rope is the first thing that comes to mind. What inventors will concoct to be the first at something... Sort of like writers do to be the first to say something that hasn't been said. But is there really anything?
Tornado running through my life.... changing everything I ever knew to be true. Devastation? Or could it be a blessing in disguise, questioning the norms and challenging the rules!
Don't hesitate to reference that small detail of your life that made a huge difference in how it all turned out. It isn't just the perfect storms that have the ability to change fate....
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