There is more than one kind of awakening of course; the literal sense of the word being the most common and the least appreciated. The times we truly awaken to ourselves and having done so, most appreciate being awake and alive come after a long period where for far too long we were entirely unaware that we had fallen asleep at all.
Of all managers restaurant managers were the worst subspecies, seemingly going the extra mile to embody every stereotype about managerial incompetence. Their clothes, their hair, and their overwhelming stupidity is something I will never forget but have tried to forgive, accumulating several degrees and vowing never to become.
The things that she had been given were plentiful; she had never wanted for anything and lived among frivolities. The things she cherished most of all were those that were neither tangible or exposed, safely squared away in the storehouse of her mind.
If you knew that you couldn't change you could have told me that years ago.
I am not angry that you are incapable of being honest with me, I am both saddened and concerned that you are incapable of being honest with yourself.
You have no choice but to live with yourself, you see, with or without me.
She always found it funny that though she had so many opinions on the subject and so many courses under her belt regarding gender studies and gender equality that at the end of a long day there was something so soothing about washing dishes by hand, so much so that at times she found herself looking forward to doing a sinkful.
Sweaters --- all of them sat stacked on the top shelf anticipating autumn.
Some crew neck, others turtleneck, still more were argyle and cashmere... though the summer was unbearable fall would be here soon enough. They promised, these sweaters.