
The flurry whipped around, stirring branches in its wake. The flakes caught in his eyelashes, tiny white stars stark against the dark.
Tears streaming, cutting through the dirt of months of travel. His bitter words tore at his throat, threatening to consume every last shred of hope in him. "What is it that I lack?" He pounded a fist to his chest, the blow echoing in the near darkness of the clearing. "Why am I never good enough?"
The ford was a steady stream of activity this time of year. It was clogged with merchants and families alike, all trying to get to the capitol in time. The ferry was overcrowded, the stink of human bodies packed together cloying.
His wicked grin spurred on the demons riding in my own veins. It was nauseating how his recklessness lit a fire in my belly. His hands were deft as the can spun towards the door. A small flick, molten flame casting the dark room into shadows that caught in his teeth.
"Careful," He breathed, letting out a hiss from the can that ignited the night into screams of manic death.
Thade glance over his shoulder, the rhythmic tapping of the knife didn't stop as he did so. He watched as Faolan stepped into the kitchen, rolling up the sleeves of his button up while scowling at the flat owner. A grin parted Thade's lips, a childish thing. The other man grumbled wordlessly, a low tune pressing from his throat to express his annoyance. The Thayline general ignored him, continuing to chop potatoes. Quietly, the two of them worked on dinner. Faolan quieted down eventually, and to fill the silence and small tune trickled from his lips. Soon Thade was humming along and the two of them worked out a beat. Whisks laps in time with their rhythm, pans were set down to accentuate a note at the end of a line. Their movements set to music of their own creation added the percussion and baseline to their melody.
Thade's golden eyes glanced sideways as he found himself next to Faolan at the stove. The white haired man didn't meet the gaze so carefully flicking in his direction. Their tune slowed as dinner was almost ready. Despite himself, the barest hint of a smile ghosted across the dragon's lips.
"I hate this domestic melody," He protested quietly. Thade, having seen the twitch in the corners of his friend's mouth, laughed.
"You love this domestic shit, Faolan. Just like you love me," Turning on his heel, the dragon hunter padded off towards the dining room to clear the table.
A smirk laced its way across her lips, tugging on the corners of her mouth like an excited child. Her eyes lit up with ecstasy and in that moment she became the madwoman he remembered. In that moment, she was completely in control yet so close to spiraling off into the abyss. With blood streaking its way through her hair, dripping into her eyes-- she was soaked in the life of her victim and for an instant he saw the doorways to her past life. He saw the gory trail of mangled bodies she'd left for him. He smiled fondly at the warmth her gifts had always brought him. She was his muse, and Death would follow her anywhere. In this life, the next and whatever else followed after that.
Head tilted, her level gaze bore into the dog. He watched, silent but questioning none the less. She had seemed distracted, unable to converse further with the dog whining in the corner. Finally, she'd given in and turned to the pup. What happened after that was truly weird.
"I didn't think humans could make that noise." he muttered, listening to the pitches straining out of her throat. She grinned and shrugged.
"You're not wrong "
Her eyes calmed, their color returning as her thoughts slowly settled. he could see the rage ebbing away in her, gathering away like clouds to prepare for a storm tomorrow. He sighed happily, glad to at least have a moments' peace. Surely it would happen again, but next time he would make certain it was not the last cookie.
Trem's fingers traced slowly over the gash in her side. Pain lanced through her stomach at the touch, reminding her that she as still alive. For the moment, she didn't feel like it. She felt weak, stumbling through the building like a child lost and alone. She cursed under her breath, trying to calculate how much blood she'd lost already.
Even through the coarse nylon fibers in her suit, she could feel the heat rising to a broil under her fingers. The metal goraned, threatening to cave under her weight.
"Just a bit longer," she mumbled, words lost to the thick mouthpiece that covered the lower half of her face. The led lights flickered in her visor, alerting her to the dangerous levels of temperature that were storming around her. Desperation clawed at her stomach, pushing her further across the roof towards the tower spiking towards the darkened sky. She still wasn't sure if the beast knew of her presence, in theory her suit should have concealed her scent, body heat and weight enough that she would be undetected. But then again, Dragons could be surprisingly fast learners.
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