An engine is like an electric box that runs a car or a truck or any type of motor vehicle.
outgoing is a word that fits a person who kind of puts themselves out there and aren't afraid of what the world has to say about them. they have a lot of self confidents.
tasting is a word that means simply eating a tiny sample of food. if you haven't tried a type of food yet you might taste it to see if you like it.
hearing is one of your 5 senses. it helps you listen when people are taking to you
The word separate is a word that means to take one thing out of or apart of another thing. synonyms are disconnect, and divide.
an earring is a type of jewerly piece that goes on your ear... they come in lots of different shape and size
A desk is something you use for school or work that you put papers on or a computer and is something you do your work on.
A trunk is part of a car. it is the very back of the car where you can store things. it has a door like thing that you shut over the cubby thing..
a pattern is something that follows. it has either every other bead or every other two beads. it could be something else too other than beads.
A petition is a piece of paper that people sign. Usually people sign petitions if they are running for something or protesting.
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