no... Im NOT writing this... bad topic... anyways my kitty disapproves. And he usually approves....
You hover when your not so sure about your landing or decision.... I hope everyone hovers every once and a while because you never should be so sure.
What is existence? Do we even exist? I think so. Well everything exists for a reason. And everything has a purpose. Good or bad, they have a purpose. And everyone will fulfill that purpose before they die.
Fly, Maybe with or without wings.... But fly none the less. Wings are but only a decoration and or trophy for those who are amazing enough to fly.
You are my muse. My inspiration. You make my mind explode and my heart pound. And most of all you make me smile.
Together as one melody strung beautifully. I love my band. No part is small. All are needed and accepted.
Boom, Crash. Thunder crashes and you know a storm is approaching. It is far away but still you are afraid. You cower and lean closer. I'm here I reassure but still you shake. Why? You know you are warm and safe underneath your covers and you always have me, to protect you from the world crashing down around you.