
She went to measure the TV. The assignment had been to measure things using the measurement unit of a chocolate bar.
It was such a versatile recipe. So how was it that she was now standing in tears, looking at her puzzled guests, who were very politely devouring her ruined creation?
She was timid about everything, but especially about hurting other people. That was because she was hypersensitive, and so she felt hurt by everything herself. So she went through life, hurting and yet not hurting in return. That is why she had built this shell around herself.
She was a prisoner in her own house. The strife was constant, yet she could find no way to escape. She valued harmony, but the rest of the household did not, so she was always in the crossfire. Every day there was a hail of emotional bullets, and she was the target.
The complexity of her conversation startled her. Did she not realize that English was not her first language? And would she not, as a teacher, at least simplify it? But it seems as soon as she left the classroom behind, her teacher hat was left there too.
Kentucky bluegrass. M favourite were the horses. But then I was always horse crazy. All those postcards I had to buy because I loved them so. Must have driven my parents nuts. Funny thing, though I loved to look at them, secretly I was scared of horses.
They approached the railway. It was three little boys, all under five, and them, the caregivers. They wondered if they have been crazy to go on this trip. It had seemed like a good idea when it was first suggested. But planning is actually much different than doing.
She was ravenous. why hadn't she thought about eating before. too busy. such was the life of a writer, a working mom. She had read that working mom was an oxymoron and had laughed. Ain't it the truth?
She strung the line between the two poles. This time it would be different. This time, no matter who protested, she was determined to hang up her laundry. What kind of law was this anyway, that prohibited the hanging of your laundry. It was so much better than using your dryer.
i remember learning in anthropology how they used to consider other cultures to be savage ones. but that really is looking down upon other people, isn't it? Who is to say that we know everything? Why can't we talk about things with other people and get opinions?
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