No. I don't want to write about this word, it doesn't apply to me and even though it probably does, at my young age I don't have to deal with it. I am innocent and can do whatever I want. I get fucked in the long run, that's all. Ha.
I don't like this word. Of course, I have failed a lot in my life and all that cliche stuff saying how it is good to fail is pretty lame. Failing just happens and then we move on, I don't always learn from it. But whatever, this is hard to write about. I am "failing" to say anything smart, but who cares because I get another word tomorrow right?
I don't really have much of a history right now. I think I am begginning to write it, but I am not completely sure yet. i mean, people could say history means nothing or that it means everything, but i dont really care. im just living i guess. whatever. history is lame because what happened happened.
I never really ride on trains, but it seems like you lose yourself when you are on one. No one really talks, and you just people watch and forget about who you are, at least I do that. Trains are pretty cool though because it is cheap but you can get places so quickly. I guess trains should be more spread out to the west coast, I would use them, it can be fun.
My favorite teacher is Mr. Torch. He had cancer a bunch of times and i think still has it today. He really inspired me to love writing which is probably what led me to do this along with Maddy he linked me to it. But anyway, he was really cool in American Literature and I hope to learn more about American English and take classes in college.
Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in a corner and there is no way out. And the weird part is that even when I am done being "cornered" in, I just stay where I was to prevent change. I wish I had the strength sometimes to realize when I can go free from whatever it is instead of lengthening the suffocation and hiding.
I have never really been a good painter, but I guess I wish I could. I would like to paint the images I always have in my mind because I would like to see them in reality. It would be pretty cool if I could accurately depict what I think in my head on a canvas. Everything always changes though. It's a shame.
I love listening to the radio. NOT. The radio has the top 10 from itunes and they replay every single second. Also, I thought of the movie Radio which is a great story. I really liked it, and I need to tell people about it. And oh, radios suck unless Ryan Secrest is talking because he's a beast. Yeah.
The first thing I did was think that I didn't understand what the word meant. I saw "lime" first and then realized it was limo. I'm tired I guess.
I always use my backpack, and a lot of my friends always say how I walk weird when I wear one. They try to imitate me and it's pretty funny I guess. I got one of those new ones where you can put your laptop in it. It's so awesome. I don't know who creates these things, but whoever does should get a medal or something other than just a lot of money. Something meaningful I guess.
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