
the crew work endlessly to acheive their goal--well into the night. They sang merrily and teased each other to help the time pass. Their leader, though, locked himself up to dwell in his own silence that he was bound to by their togetherness. A pariah of his own creation.
I knocked on the shiny oak door with trediptaion. This was the moment of truth. I was going have a conversation that would change my life. I was meeting with my adviser to officially resign from college. I was done--a drop out. My dreams weren't what I thought they'd be.
oh what a cliche subject, only if you let it get that way. Hearts, I have found, are used to convey a number of things in our lives today: romantic love, friendship, family, happiness, stupidity.
Some husbands are good, and some husbands are bad. You never really can quite determine an exact definition of a husband. That's what I've learned from observation. But one thing I do know for sure is that I want husband that looks and me and can me feel like I've got nothing to hide.
Setting, place, and time. Here, now, and today. Life is happening all around us, constantly changing, yet alarmingly the same. There's only one more question to answer. Where do I fit in it all?
I looked at the sunset, and I thought about my life for a second: the ways it has changes, the thing I can't ever bring myself to say, and the feelings I'll never admit. It all seems so easy inside my head.
He kept pressing me for answers. I just closed my eyes and held my breath for five seconds. Why couldn't he let me absorb this horrible tragedy before he needed to know the last place I saw her? I needed that.
"Are you convinced yet?", she asked quietly.
"No, no I'm not," he whispered, as he picked up his coat to leave. She sat quietly and wondered how she could ever show him how much she loved him all these years.