the lock was not working and i was getting suffocated as i could not get out.
the lock finally ticked and i had a sigh of relief.
the eyes were locked and they could not look away inspite of the fact that there were so many people looking at them
his violent behaviour shocked me. he was really sweet to me but today his whole attitude told me a different story.
i was assisted by my seniors to work on the project. due to their guidnance and right advice i was able to complete the projec
i was in intense depression and he was adding more fuel to fire. he was annoying by me by asking me again and again that when will we start travelling again. i had no idea as it seemed that the car was in mood to move
those black sideburns were covering his side of the face. that was an advantage as it was allowing to cover his face.
the mint in the drink seemed weird but she could not give i back as she was really thristy and it seeemed refreshing to her.
whenever i see canteen i miss my college canteen and the fun i had there with my friends
the domestic voilence is so horrifying. people who indulge in this should be brtually punished.
the mole was annoying but i did not want to break it.
i wish i was glowing today but a lot of things have put me down. i am not understanding anything today.
i wish i was glowing like the moon and stars and was so far away from this negative world where there is no value for love
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