I want to be elastic. To be stretched too far beyond my boundaries but to bounce right back into place. I believe that is a very ideal way of thinking.
the stem of the flowers i drew in preschool were always green and healthy. little did i know that stems could be shrived and brown in reality.
Wade.. what does that word mean? I really dont know. Wait does it mean to wade, like in water? If that makes sense. I dont know. I need to work on my vocabulary and read a page of the dictionary everyday or something. I need a larger vocab in my brain.
I love crushed ice. When my cousins and I were little we used to get a cup full of crushed ice and eat it all! I still do sometimes when I finish my drink haha.
LUST is not the same thing as LOVE. People often get these two things mixed up. They think they love the person, but in actuality, they are in list with them. I do not know the actual definitions of these words but i know they are very different.
Antlers are cool. I want a pair for my own. The only downside to them is that you cant get into cars properly but i would happily sacrifice that for antlers. They are amazing. I love antlers. I dont know what to say. Antlers looks sexy on everyone!
Ok so im writing another one because as you can see, i failed at that first post. Well i fail at a lot of things but i always dust myself off and get right back at it. Its hard sometimes but you just dont have another choice other than quit.. but who does THAT nowadays. Oh crap the time is up.. oopsies.
I fail at writing, thats why im on this website.. to try to better my writing skills. I need to think more freely and all. This is hard haha. see? im already failing.