Delving into the box, the young girl rummaged frantically looking for something she couldn't remember but knew she would know if she found it.
Oil is such a useless fuel. Pertroleum that is. Vegetable oil is good and useful actually but Hydrogen is better even than that. I have no idea why were are so dependant on fuel when just a little funding and research could improve Hydrogen fuelling and save the planet.
Chances are what makes life special. If you take one and it pays off, you've achieved something. If you take it and it doesn't, then at least you know the answer. The most important thing is to take them though, pass or fail, because then you won't regret it.
The titanic sank, even though it was said to be unsinkable. This just proves that you can't take things for granted and that nothing is impossible. Sinking feelings are actually good because it reminds you of your boundaries.
As a pedestrian I hate drivers, as a driver I hate pedestrians but no matter what form of transport everyone hates cyclist - go on, admit it, they're irritating!
Missing is an important part of being human. It shows you love. Missing someone, or something, or somewhere is just nature's way of reminding you how much you love it. Cherish the moments you have with someone and make sure you're making them evjoy it to because everyone has the chance to deserve to be missed - take it.
Punshiment is an act of disapline in which the guilty party is forced to do something they don't want to do in order to pay for something they did or said to the victim. Punshiment CANNOT be taken into the hands of the general public and we must have faith in our justice system otherwise there would be utter chaos and a lot of anarchy.
Near is a fictional charater in a manga called Death Note. In it he is the second smartest person in the world as in locked in a battle of intelligence and skill with Kira, a mass murderer, and opperates his attempts to catch Kira under the alias of Near so he can protect his identity.
Discovery is very important! It helps us develop as human beings and the speed of our discovery of different things is part of evolution which seperates us from animals. A lot of people forget this and think that looking at the past, or having an aim for an experiment is more important than some just saying "Hey, what would happen if..."
The cold grey bricks showed the withering age of the castle they constructed. Each Brick bearing its wieght, part of the greater design, and for their trouble they wer chipped and broken, discoloured and graffitied.
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