This is a lame word. When I read Owned, I think of someone getting owned. :I I wanted to be all prosy and melancholic and shit, but I guess I have to be all pop-cultury then. Damn, son, I don't know what to think. You got owned, son. Owned.
We're breaking free!! Soaring, gliding, something something something... LOL
Wow. High School Musical, back in the day!
Little Johnny was walking through the forest, twigs breaking under his feet as he stepped softly on the damp ground.
I stare at the wallpaper. It's as bland as my life. No decorations, so detail whatsoever. The blue light of the day filters in through the window, creating the silhouette of my shadow against the wall.
Jimmy took a tablespoon size serving of the mustard. It burned his mouth, and he started to cry. For the rest of his life, he avoided anything yellow.
I am in control of my life. Well, I hope I am. It's scary to think that we don't know the future. Where on earth are we going to be in 5 years time? 10 years time? Perhaps we are not in as much control as we think we are. We don't know if we are going to be killed tomorrow. Or in 80 years time. We could be anywhere. We are not in control.