And off I went, a bag in my hand, a town behind me. A town I would never seen again. This was what I had to do then. I might be scared, and I might be alone, but this was my task. It was what I had to do, and I was going to do it. I would see my dad again though, if the island really existed, and if I could actually reach it. Then everything would be okay.
I saw my face on the newspapers, half the time when I turned on the TV. I was so sick of it. I didn't even do anything to deserve fame. All that happened was a stupid accident and now suddenly everyone knew my life story and wanted to be friends. I hated it. Being a celebrity sucked.
I saw deep in the crevice, a small figure. A small figure that was moving, and... Shouting? I couldn't make out any words, only faint sound. It was so far down. So far down the hole.