Be wise enough to take the right advice or suffer the consequences that are never nice.
Is it worth trading love for money?
Do not lose what you have clipped, especially a girl.
I hate light bulbs when I'm with my girlfriend. They ruin the mood!
Being a manager is tough, there's no doubt. A manager must be able to cope with all the tasks given to him. A manager must be able to withstand the pressure dealt to them and be able to solve problems even in extreme conditions.
We've to go through a lot of levels when we're playing game. Be it classic or modern games. Every level we pass, the upcoming ones will be harder. The difficulty of a level is directly proportional to its number.
When your head is boiling, you're mad at someone. When you boil, your brain shuts down and you start saying things you don't mean to say. So you must freeze yourself before you boil or else... You'll be in TROUBLE!