muddy through the field. the loose end of the dress gets caught, dragging in the dead flowers. the rain is long gone, but the smell of wetness permeates the air. looking up, the sky leaden, she wonders when the sun will be back.
everlasting doesn't come easy. not even the thought of it - inconceivable. if you knew anything about me you'd understand why that is.
but you don't, and you won't.
i needed proof you were not going to play with me right from the get-go. yet how could i possibly ask for it; reasonably so. how unlike me that would've been - so i just didn't.
how is easy it is. just stand out, in the cold, drop the coat, feel it. stop feeling it because, you know, it's cold. it's freezing. hope you freeze to freeze it in time. to stop everything from going. just stay...
the live broadcast shouted it. out loud, the bombs were coming. and having only my camera as my weapon, i embraced it and faced the front-line, in a cloud of dust and fear and excitement.
i'd cook for you every morning, between all sorts of laughable matters: bills to pay, things to take care of. i'd get my skin burnt like my mom does, joking about the present, worrying about the future, but still having to take care that things don't get burnt.
i was covered head to toes, under the blankets, sheets and pillows. giggling like crazy when i found you with my cold feet and you would jump up and start chasing me wish your fingers running down my back.
it has been a long time. we used to climb up the mountain: school trips, day trips with my family, visits to friends. we would walk down the path and there it was: the shag were just a couple of people, every year, would make carbon out of the forest.
remember the crooked marble in my first house, where i had dropped a glassball? it was exactly where we could see the colors of the rainbow created by the glass table on sunday mornings.
the rules of life never counted for me. when you're the outside, very few things matter.
it's just you,
your gut feelings,
your longings,
and your will to go and get what you know you deserve.
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