A centurion ran back to the gates. His family was there, he couldn't let them go. Not like this. HIs army was waiting for him three miles north. It didn't matter to him. Let Rome fall. Let the whole damn place collapse. Let everything burn. There will be other Romes. But there will never be another Julius Brock.
Security. People dedicate their entire lives to being safe from phantoms and ghosts. I don't remember my childhood, the ghosts have scared it away from my head, and every day the phantoms knock on my head, begging to be let back in. Slowly, the will erode my security, and the shell will be broken, leaving only the scared, lonely child that never got his chance.
The transmission stalled right in the middle of the interstate. They were going around 70mph and started to slow down. They were screaming, but he pulled them over to the side of the road. The funeral procession was already long enough, they didn't need to add another car up front.
arms covered, never bare.
never showing the scars underneath.
not out of shame, not out of fear,
more like a kind of pity,
so people don't have to react.
nobody to say "i'm sorry" or "what happened?"
just arms, appearing normal while sleeved.
Brotherhood is not something that is made in the womb.
Brotherhood is not an emotion, nor is it a conscious effort.
Brotherhood is purely and simply, a gift.
A gift of self, a gift to freely be true around your brothers,
Whether they lived in your house or not.
It is a surrender to love, a vulnerability and trust.
The baby swung back in forth in the rocker. The arms were rigid and mechanical, but with an artificial padding and heater to make it seem real. Her parents were screaming downstairs, unaware that she was going hungry.
Clasped hands. dinosaur hug, strange connections with stranger people. not strangers, but stranger people. stranger than average.
I wish things were simpler. Yet that's impossible. And i guess it's only simple when it's easy. If you want meaning, then you have to get complicated. It's just a same some people are too simple to see what's not simple.
Mind and body. how can we reconcile our mind and body? the body i have today is not the body i had yesterday, and every atom in my body is different from what they were ten days ago. yet i say my body is constant, granting the weight fluctuations of a teenage boy, which i wish went upward not downward.