the was living in his car
i like your living room it is very christmas festive
the boy was determined to lift 100 pounds.
when you are determined you never give up
i presented my 5 minute speach to the company
we all presented diferent ideas
the ballon just kept on going higher into the sky
the man feels that he is higher then the clouds
how much higher are we going to go
the man was from the past
the past is behind us
just leave it in the past
you have to stay down stairs till the storms pasts
the institutions were masive
those are very big institution
the man measured the boys height
the man measured his weight
the roar from the line was very loud
i heard a roar from over there
that roar was loud
the ground was muddy from the rain
the cold water sat in the grounds mudholes
the ground was compacted from all the walking on it
the man took the steps up the haunted house
there are many steps into the house
the little boy fell down the steps
the monster shuffled up the steps
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