nowadays what the world seems to care about a lot. wake up in the morning theres no food no means off transportation its cool as long as my attire is fresh. you go to school or work theres others who dont have the same fortune as you yet we complain about our opportunities and praise a fresh start. we submerge in this ideal fresh society when in reality its all spoiled rotten. the world is a disguise as your fresh attire is as well, even though your fresh on the outside, that doesnt change the rotten pieces contained within.
the most magnificent ide3a. the one thought that can change mankind, the one opportunity that comes to life right before your eyes and yet....it isnt grasped. tossed away as if trash with not a care. any creativity bombarded by judgment and hatred. yet my mind sees no failure. thus, being an epic mind. <--hahaha
my existence causes a resistance to all source of politicians. i defy authority because its within me to do so. brought up and raised not to believe a word they say i go through life building my own self image and belief on authority. i exist for a reason is what am shown day to day.
the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Guard it with all your might because it can absorb waste like a sponge. environment, people, experiences all become absorbed and it could make or break your mind. be your own person and fight the urge to be like a sponge. absorb what you want to. don't change or become something due to whats new or whats in. be your own person and remain an individual.
im in no need of an umbrella when the sky rains negativity upon me i always keep myself dry. i never allow anything to reign upon me and defeat me im to close to my dreams for them to batter me down. i don't need a shield from it i can protect myself and i was taught never look away for what is seen is something to be cherished as an inspirational experience. so for you keep your umbrella and living in fear i attack everyone of my opportunities and seize them all i am king i am ruler i am my own self.
a cold hard brick a sign of strength within a dull piece of concrete. a building block to monuments. a brick being my first step towards success. i pave the path i walk on brick by brick. with every brick added its a step closer to my dreams. brick walls for eyelids when there shut i cannot see but with my vision unobstructed its reluctant how all hopes and dreams become reality.
my skin is like that of an artists canvas. all ide3as and dreams are depicted through my skin. its a work of art and as a work of art in my eyes it is a masterpiece yet in the eyes of others it seems pointless. i am the artist i am the painter i am the creator of the art seen on my body my mind is my predecessor to these works of art. my canvas is filled with honorable and memorable works of art and will never be tarnished and made toxic to rubbish and trash. only creativity and relevant moments
optimism can only go so far when your entrapped in four walls of solitude and pessimistic views. the mind is a powerful toll which is heard over and over again but have you ever overheard what your own mind needed to say? remove all thought of conscience and emotion and notice how your own mind places you against yourself and you are now amongst an audience of shadows. all your hopes and dreams easily crushed by your own self pity. the mind can boil even the toughest of minds. misplaced hate and unexplained anger boiling and steaming in the pot of thought. until its all over and theres nothing more its all been forgotten..
I am a prisoner of this domestic society. everything is tamed everything is set to rules yet i follow my own path. i stick out like a weed on the concrete. yet i shine brighter than the darkest things on this earth. I am my own person whether someone likes it or not. i have nothing that can influence me, nothing that can change my mentality or personality. i refuse to blend in to a society so out of whack and corrupted. There is not one person to trust in this filthy prison. I am locked up and held in solitary confinement with my creativity. In my eyes i do what i do whether the world acknowledges it or not. i express myself just for my own person. i am a prisoner locked away from this domesticated environment.