I have never received a trophy. i have always wanted to and be able to say I have accomplished something. Thing is I never wanted to go out and do something. My dad has old baseball trophies on his shelf in his garage that I adore!
A crane is a bird I see sit upon the lake side. I stare and watch as it quickly flies into the next area of water. It's beautiful, but quick. I want pictures, but it is far too shy. I want that crane you see, but I mustn't its not for me!
It was given to me in a way I couldn't imagine. Just like when I was struck blinded with love from another one. I could haven given more back perhaps but that would change my perspective on a lot. Too bad I'm a stranger in this part of town. I have only ever given.
i learned to braid on accident. Its fun when hair is different colors and it makes a mini portrait in your hair. I have braided my dogs hair and it was silly. I love doing and learning different ways of doing it. I;m fairly bad but I try to learn better. Either way it's a nice hairstyle and my friend marko braided my hair last night June 30 it was awful!